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"So why are we here, so suddenly...?" The first words that came out of Tzuyu's mouth once she arrived.

"Hello to you too, Ms. Chou please have a seat." Nayeon gestured as the younger took a seat beside Chaeyoung.

"The only mother in our group is stressed out. Thought we could let her enjoy the night away at least for today." Nayeon explained and gestured the girl who's by the dance floor with Momo.

"I have to send this to Taehyung." Mina muttered as she quickly took her phone.

"You're evil." Chaeyoung pointed out laughing but did the same anyway.

"Why is she stressed out? Is there any problem she's facing and she don't wanna tell us.. or what?" Jihyo asked

"Well... you know, about telling Taehyung." Nayeon shrugged, staring at her drink. "If I could, I would spill the beans to the man but obviously its not my right to tell him."

The girls all nodded.

"What does Sana want to do though?"

"I don't know really, she just said she suddenly want to go back in Japan."

"She or he can't run away on their responsibilities." Jeongyeon raised an eyebrow.

"True. I don't know but at least give them some time? I'm sure one day, unnie will be able to tell it to my brother." Dahyun added

"How's Taehyung by the way?" Tzuyu asked

"I think he's fine. He just paced out alot than he usually does."

"Paced out?" Jihyo asked

"Yeah. I think its about the 'is she married' thingy." Dahyun gestured with her hands with a shrugged

"Yeonjun looks a lot like him! How can't he see that!" Chaeyoung pointed out laughing.

"I'll admit. My brother is pretty weird but don't worry he is." Dahyun laughed as well.

"Here they comes." Mina announced gesturing over her fellow japanese gals.

"That's exhausting." Sana muttered as she lay herself on the couch with Momo who took a shot of whiskey.

"Anyways what were y'all talking about?" Sana asked

"We're talking about..." Jihyo started, Nayeon enlarge her eyes towards the younger and the latter immediately gets it. "Nayeon's wedding that's happening in a few months..?"

"Oh yea! Did you and jin talked about the themes and shits yet?" Sana asked again

Nayeon nodded her head. "We're thinking of salmon pink and white theme wedding, I mean you know him."

"Ooohh, and if you got pregnant? Would you want a baby boy or girl?" Chaeyoung smirked, Nayeon rolled her eyes at the younger.

"That. He does mention he wanted to have a baby girl."

"Oh you two are set." Momo voiced out, Nayeon blushed. "I guess..?"

"And what about the dresses and what nots?" Tzuyu asked

"You guys could wear anything you want but the colors should be SALMON PINK or WHITE." Nayeon emphasized knowing the others won't follow the color code

"I doubt Yoongi would like to wear pink, So I guess he'll go with white." Jihyo voiced out. Nayeon nodded.

"What's the difference with pinks anyway? at the end of the day their still pink." Jeongyeon argued

"There are different types of pink. There are plain pink. fushia pink. rose pink. baby pink. salmon pink. watermelon pink. hot pink. french pink. carnation pink. barbie pink. flamingo pink. magenta pink. etcetera etcetera." Momo listed out

"Their still pink." Jeongyeon said, rolling her eyes.

"... Where's Sana?" Mina broke the death stare contest between Jeongyeon and Momo.


Sana stumbled a bit over the stairs but she laugh to herself and climbed upstairs.

She went over the balcony as she looked downstairs seeing her girls all talking then suddenly frantically looking around.

"Hey guys!!" she drunkenly called out. But because the club is noisy of course they didn't hear her.

Sana pouted and reach out for her pocket where her phone is, She was about to press Tzuyu's contact when she noticed a familiar name before Tzuyu's contact.

Without thinking she pressed the contact and waited for her call to be pick up.

[S-sana? What's up?]

She smiled brightly.

"Oh, hello Tae!"

[H-hey, glad you called haha]

"Hmm." Sana couldn't answer, she felt her head throbbing making her sit at one of the seats.

[Why is it so noisy, are you in a party or something?]

"The girls bought me in a club, dunno what for."

[A-are you drunk?]


[What did you drink?]

"A drink."

Taehyung rolled his eyes on the other side but ended up smiling anyway.

[What kind of drink?]

"Just a few shots of tequila with a bit of whiskey and I think mojito and a bit of pina colada."

[Damn why did you drank a lot? where are you? Go back to where the girls is.]

"I'm upstairs!! Becauseeee I can't see everyone from downstairs."

[Damn Sana go back to where the girls are]

"They weren't there" Sana frowned, looking again but then she spotted Jeongyeon and Nayeon looking like their panicking.

[Sana where are you?]


[...What club?]

"The ones two blocks away from Jin's I guess."

[Don't go anywhere.]

"NoooooOOOoooooo." Sana suddenly cried out making Taehyung stop from pressing the end button from the other side.

[Sana? Hey i'm still here.]

"Don't end the call, I'm gonna be alone!"

[Where are the rest of the girls?]

"I don't know."

Taehyung face palmed.

[What about this, we'll both stay in line until I got there okay? just stay where you are.]

"Hmmm." Sana hummed, not really listening.

Taehyung quickly ran to his car once Sana drop the call.

'I just told her not to- damn it.'

To Be Continued...
a/n: lameeeeee

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