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"Oho Jeon Jungkook is dead meat by tomorrow" Yoongi teased, while looking at the drunk boy.

Tzuyu rolled her eyes at the sight of her fiancé's slump body.

"I told you not to get wasted!" She whined out before trying to get him seated.

Jungkook groaned and pulled her towards him, and dozed off again.


The brute of course didn't hear it as he already dozed off to dreamland.

Tzuyu sighed and tried to fix their position before deciding to take him home a little while later.

"YOU PROPOSED BEFORE ME?! that's not fair!" She heard Jimin whined out

"All of you are engaged except for me" He whined out again

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Then proposed to Mina as well you coward"

"I'm not being a coward. I was just.. taking my time cause I don't want to overwhelm her"

"Hmm.. that makes sense."

Jimin pouted at the older before turning his attention towards the female who's going to his direction.

His pout turned into a huge smile making the older male from across him to scoff.

"Shut up hyung. You're literally the same as me, you just saw jihyo from a far distance and you look like a lost puppy." Jimin sassed

"Oh does that supposed to make me feel bad?"

Jimin groaned and didn't mind him before hugging the female who finally took a sit beside him.

"Having fun?" he asked staring at the beauty in his arms.

She nodded and chuckled. "I feel wasted already."

"Should we go home then?"

"Not yet. I wanna catch some tea and if we don't get some then let's go home"

It was Jimin's turn to chuckle at her. My god must she have to be this adorable.

Wondering where they are? They are at a party hosted by Jin and Nayeon themselves.

There wasn't many people. All sixteen of them are present plus a few acquaintances here and there but that's it.

The couple doesn't also fancy the idea of filling their house with people, either its a friends or nah.

"I'm worried." Mina voiced out while looking for someone around the room.

"Whatcha worrying about Minari?" Jimin asked

"Namjoon and Chaeyoung-"

"Did they fought?"

"Nope. They are both heavily wasted"

Yoongi laughed. "I won't be surprised if she got pregnant next week."

Jimin, Mina and Tzuyu gave him blank looks which he shrugged off on.

"But he's right though" Tzuyu also agreed

"I guess they'll both staying the night here." Jimin guessed as he pointed at the couple who's being led upstairs by Jin.

"Mina unnie..."


"You're turning red. Are you sure you don't want to go home yet?" Tzuyu asked in worry, as Jimin fix her hair.

Mina shook her head and rested her head on Jimin's shoulder, as he wrapped his arm on her.

"Ugh that's it. I'm going to my girl" Yoongi grumbled to himself as he stood up and faded through the crowd.

The trio laughed at him but continued on and Tzuyu is also forced to witness the couple's affections as they randomly think about things to talk about.



"Have you seen Tae?"

"The last time I saw him was thirty minutes ago, I guess."

"Well I saw him with Yeonjun the other day"


"Hmm, he picked Yeonjun up from school." Mina sleepily shared, as she snuggled on her man who also have no plans on releasing her off his arms.

"Really? I guess he finally went into his senses?" Jimin chuckled

"Well, apparently only for Yeonjun" Tzuyu shared as well, clearly remembering what Sana told her the other day.

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.



"Sana practically told him that even if its just for the child. They're basically 'co-parents'" Mina quoted with her hands in a annoyed way, the alcohol slowly getting into her.

"Their situation is... I don't know complicated?"

"Even in college they are already both complicated" Mina chirped before standing straight.

Jimin childishly whined at the lost of contact with her.

"I want to go home" Mina requested, the brute immediately nodded and hand her his hand to accompany her.

"Let's go tell the old couple then"

"Uhm hello, I need help with this musclepig" Tzuyu voiced out with a pout

Jimin laughed and helped her out, but also struggling because of the heavy dude.

Tzuyu watched as she and Mina linked each other's arms.

"Man damn this kid. He is heavier when drunk"

"Can you drive Tzu?"

"Yes I can"

"Alright take care then, call me if anything happens"

The youngest nodded as she strap the seatbelt on Jungkook's sleeping body, she took the neck pillow he always carry for her and put on him before running to the driver's seat and finally started driving.

To Be Continued..

a/n: lame short chapter cause i'm lame as f
anyways... the book is nearing its end ^__^

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