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"Sana calm down, listen to me. You don't need to pressure yourself. Its either you just tell him now or the other time" Nayeon rubbed Sana's back to calm the younger down.

"But unnie, i'm torn between the choices. I want to tell him but i'm not fucking ready. What if he rejects Yeonjun?"

"Well he'll probably be shocked of course and would need a few time to take in the information. But I don't think he's the type of guy who'll run away from his responsibilities." Jin added himself to the conversation as he went to the living room with a tray of three coffees.

"I'm telling you Sana, that man is head over heels for you. Besides he already met the little guy, he probably thinks you have a family now. And I can't mostly believed how he haven't seen the similarities between him and his son." Jin face palmed

"Well that's taehyung, always missing the hints." Nayeon chuckled but Sana is still in her thoughts.

"I don't know why i'm suddenly being a coward. I was so ready to tell him but after meeting him again I- i don't know why I want to back down and just ran back home in Japan."

"Sana, either you like it or not we all know he deserved to know. Its on you if you're gonna tell him straight or beat around the bush."

"I can't even look at him properly what more to tell him that he is yeonjun's father?" Sana snapped.

"I don't think coffee is what you need to drink right now." Jin said as he and nayeon shared a look.

"Wanna go and loose somewhere? I'll invite the rest of the girlies." Nayeon suggested

Sana sighed and just agreed.

She needs to at least take these thoughts out if her head.

"Well then let me get dressed then we'll go to your place and then somewhere." Nayeon told her as Sana quietly nodded.

Nayeon gestured Sana to Jin who just nodded and took a sip on his coffee.

"Oh my god. Shut up" Jihyo groaned in annoyance as Yoongi's laughter filled the whole bedroom.

"Anyways babe. Do you need any plugs?"

"Do you think I need sex toys right now? I'm not in my good condition."

"You dirty minded woman. I meant like tampons is that what its called?" Yoongi confusedly look at the girl who blushed in deep shade of red.


Yoongi cracks up again. Jihyo rolled her eyes in so much annoyance.

"You're in a good mood today."

"Maybe you are too if it wasn't your time of the month." Yoongi smirked as the female continuously hit him with a pillow which he of course dodge.

The brunette groaned in annoyance when she heard her phone rang from afar.

"Why is my phone outside?" She lazily asked, the male shrugged and didn't answer trying to sleep.

The phone rang once again. Jihyo wrapped the blanket around her and went out of the bed, rolling off of Yoongi.

Yoongi whined out loud but she didn't paid him attention and lazily answered the call.

"Club? Later? All of a sudden? Is it Momo's bridal day or whatever that calls." Jihyo asked

[Nope. Just come Ji. Okay? I'll pick you up later. See 'ya!]

Nayeon ended the call as Jihyo frowned. She stared at her phone for awhile and sighed.

"Jihyoooooooooo" Yoongi's voice echoed from the bedroom, lazily calling out for the girl.


"Come back to bed!"

"I can't I have to go to the club." Jihyo answered moving around the room to find a decent clothes for the club

"What club?" Yoongi asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"A club." Jihyo answered bluntly.

"All of a sudden? The girls are with you?"


"What for?"

"I actually have no idea that's why i'm coming. I won't take long though, Clubs are annoying as fuck." Jihyo informed as she entered the bathroom.

Yoongi was left all alone laying on the bed sulking.

"Can't I come?"

"Nope. Seems like a girls night out." Jihyo answered from the bathroom.

Yoongi sighed again. "Be home safely or you want me to fetch you?"

"I haven't even done shampooing my head and your being dramatic already. And yes please do fetch me. I guess around nine thirty?"

"Noted." Yoongi said as he put an alarm. He's still sulking though.

Soon enough the female is ready to go and he's been sulking and pouting for awhile but he don't want to act like a kid and lock her up like a possessive man.

"The bunny is here." Jihyo informed after receiving a text.

"Let me know what happened."

"Of course I will."

With a bye-bye kiss and the front door shutting. He was left alone the house. Emptiness quickly enveloping him as he frowned and went to bed again.

'I'll just sleep it in.'

To Be Continued...
a/n: why is everything more good
in my head?

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