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"What happened last night?" She asked, face palming herself.

Mina have been awaked for over thirty full minutes, stressing and trying to remember how did she get herself to a familiar room.

Even though she's relieved. At least she's not at a random stranger's room right?

"Did you sleep well?"

The female looked up hearing the familiar voice and locked eyes with a familiar brown orbs, which are softly gazing at her.

He was leaning by the door frame with his lop-sided smile which she rolled her eyes on.

"What happened last night?" Mina asked instead, not bothering to answer his question which he pouted at.

"You don't remember? Last night was really fun." He shared still pouting and went to sit beside her.

Mina's cheeks immediately turned red. 'What the fuck is this man talking about?'

Jimin smirked seeing her red cheeks, enjoying how she look so fluttered and shy.

"Oh oh, what's inside that little mind of yours?"

"Little mind- YAH!" Mina glared and smack his arms

"The fuck are you talking about?"

"Shhh, early in the morning and your cussing."

"Well this is my mouth I can say whatever I want." Mina sassed, while the male shook his head still smiling.

"Well can that cute mouth of yours give me a morning kiss?"

"What-" Mina glared smacking him with a pillow, his hands raised to shield himself from the attack.

Jimin was dying in laughter which pissed Mina off even more.

"Quit laughing and tell me what happened."

The lad did stopped laughing loudly but Mina have to wait for a few more minutes for him to stop giggling.

"Okay okay damn, no need to pinch me!" Jimin surrendered, Mina raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you remember that I came to pick you up cause were going in han river?"

"When the fuck did I agreed to go with you?" Mina asked back, brows still furrowed.

Jimin faked a gasp and grasped his chest where his heart is. "Ouch that hurt."

"We met at a restaurant remember? We were literally catching up with each other's lives." Jimin sassily explained earning a eyeroll from the female.

"And when was that?"

"Last week, Tuesday, 5:10pm to 7:49pm." Jimin listed proudly.

"How could you remember the time?" Mina asked, confused.

"I actually have notes hehe." Jimin showed her a short list he wrote with his notes app with the title 'Mina and Me cafe date'

Mina raised an eyebrow again and shook her head.

Of course she remembered. She didn't expect the guy to be this detailed.

"Also you said yes last night you can't take it back."

"Yes to what?" Mina asked again.

Jimin softly knocked on her head which she glared at.

"Do you have a semi-amnesia? How come you don't remember anything when it comes to me." Jimin pouted again.

"I actually remember about the cafe one but definitely not last night, what do you mean I said yes?"

Jimin smiled and stood up kissing her head. "Well... its for me to know and for you to find out soon."

With that he walked out of the room before walking back again.

"Please go down for breakfast mi amor."

Mina watched how he flirtily winked and walked away.

She shook her head at the man's antics before smiling to herself.

'I miss you'


Chaeyoung frowned after her book was grab from behind.

"Chae, you've been reading book the whole time! Don't you wanna have fun?" Yugyeom pouted

"You'll have more fun in your grave if you don't give me back my book." Chaeyoung glared

The man sulked even more whispering a 'so mean' all over again before handing back the book.

"You and Jungkook are literally the same.. well different reason of course but are you sure you two ain't related?"

Chaeyoung made a poker face. "We are not siblings or cousins okay."

"Looks like it though."

"Besides if Jungkook will either be my sibling or cousin, I will make sure he won't meet Tzuyu" Chaeyoung added as Yugyeom laughed

"If he's here he would've whined like a kid."

Chaeyoung smirked and nodded, indicating she agreed.

Then there is silence.

"You came back to your ex?" Chaeyoung asked, glancing at the tall guy who purse his lips.


"What do you mean kinda?"

"I don't know actually, no label."

Chaeyoung looked up from her book to send a judging stare to the man.

"That's what you call a dumbass."

"I regret it okay? I wanna end things cause obviously this isn't right."

"Why did you get back to her when you don't like her?"

"Well.... pressured and confused I guess." Yugyeom shrugged.

"Hmm... lovesick fool."

Yugyeom tsked. "You are the real lovesick fool here, don't try to turn the tables around."

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. "Now why is the conversation suddenly on me?"

"Its just funny that were both lovesick."

"I'm starting to hate you and that word."

"Yea whatever you say, Kim Namjoon."

Chaeyoung smack him with her book before leaving, not missing the loud laugh that is Yugyeom been releasing.

To Be Continued..

a/n: a few chapters left :P

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