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"Leave me alone." Mina groaned in annoyance as she covered herself with her duvet.

"Oh come on! Just tell me what happened between you and Jimin!" Jihyo whined. As she pulled the younger girl's blanket.

Mina rolled her eyes and didn't budge.

"I won't tell anyone!" Jihyo insist. Mina gave her a look which the older girl grinned at.

"Nothing happened."

"Do you think i'm dumb?" Jihyo deadpanned, rolling her eyes this time. "C'mon penguin! Spill the tea."

Mina sighed in defeat. "He just took me back home okay? Nothing else."

Jihyo raised an eyebrow obviously not convince.

"Who are you trying to fool here?"

Mina sighed again but deeply and loudly this time before glaring at her bestfriend.

'Asking myself why is she like this?'

Jihyo shrugged at the younger. "Maybe if you give me a complete answer then I won't bug you endlessly."

"But I already told you, he just took me home nothing more."

"Even a five years old can tell your lying." Jihyo raised an eyebrow.

"Jungkook and Tzuyu are back together." Mina suddenly shared, hoping Jihyo would divert the conversation.

"I know, Jungkook told me." Jihyo shrugged bluntly. "Your tricks won't work on me."

"Okay fine. We've been meeting up here and there this past few weeks." Mina shared, face burning as she covered herself with her blanket again.

"So what's the catch? What are you two's status?" Jihyo asked excitedly.

Mina groaned, her face burning hotter. "Were dating okay. Now shut the fuck up."

"WHAT" Jihyo screamed.

While Mina covered herself even more.

'How much I hate her'

Jihyo heartily laughed. "Finally, you're getting laid!"



His throat run dry after seeing her again. He back away to hide at a shelf as she turn to look for books at the other side.

'Damn, I feel like an actual creep'

He sighed deeply.

'Now why am I nervous. Its not like i'm gonna approach her... or maybe I will?'

Namjoon turned to look again at the aisle where she is but she's not there anymore.

He blinked and looked around in confusion and wonder.

'Where did she go?'

His face fell in disappointment before turning away and went back to searching the book he forgot about.

When was the last time she went back in his bookstore? It felt like months.

When in reality its only been a few days.

Namjoon finally spotted the book he's been finding, he went by the window seat and started reading.

As he flipped the tenth page, a person asked if they could seat with him which he respond with a slight nod not looking up.

Maybe because the perfume is strong or its because the person is in front of him that he could smell the strawberry scent.

'Strawberry scent.'

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