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A loud familiar giggle caused her to stir in her sleep but she didn't dared to open her eyes yet.

Not too long she felt someone climbing on her and soon felt a soft thing pressing on her nose and cheeks.

"Mama" the boy cooed, and continued on kissing her to wake her up. "'ake uwp"

Sana's heart melted but still she pretended to still be asleep and inwardly chuckled when she heard her son whined out but never stop kissing her cheeks to wake her up.

"Is mommy still asleep?"

Sana swear. She felt her soul shot up at the sound of a familiar deep husky voice.

"Lets go little one, let's prepare her breakfast then wake her up again yea?" He made a deal with the kid.

Sana heard her son loudly giggled and little claps, seemingly to agree with the brute.

Soon after she felt like they finally left the room.

She slowly opened her eyes. The first thing she notice is that, this is not her room.

She is assuming they are in Taehyung's.

As Sana tried to stand up, she quietly groaned when her head suddenly throb.

"Geezers, how much did I drink last night?" She questioned herself.

She look down on herself, only noticing that she's wearing one of Taehyung's shirt. She confusedly look at herself trying to feel anything other than her aching head.

It doesn't seem like they did something last night. Which is good, cause goddamn if there is she would immediately snatch Yeonjun away and drive back to her house and its her turn to hide.

She look through the side seeing a wall clock and it reads 10:09 am

She immediately stood up and fix the bed she had slept in, she styled her hair up still feeling the heat from the alcohol last night.

"I must've been really wasted" She groaned and sat again on the bed.

A specific picture caught her attention. She stood up again and walked towards the picture.

She noticed it was them back in college. Their first photo together.

She could still vividly remember it. That was their first date and he was so excited to try his new camera that she gifted him and so they ended up having a little photoshoot by the beach.

A picture of Yeonjun also caught her attention. She's assuming he took it when they are having a father-son day.

Taehyung actually finally get himself together. He confessed that he was ashamed for suddenly being out of contact when he have two important people waiting for him.

Sana told him that it would be okay if its only at least for the child, they had a little argument over that but went on since Sana won.

They had a schedule every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Yeonjun is with Taehyung to have a father-son thingy.

But apparently Taehyung changed the Sunday to a family day.

Sana bitterly smiled remembering what happened last week. Taehyung didn't stop to insist to make her join with them. They went on a few road and food trips before stopping on his parents house to let them meet his child.

His parents seems to not be shock, and she saw how happy they are to finally meet her Yeonjun.

She was so grateful for the warm welcome and acceptance. But still.. she is unsure

She is unsure of her feelings now. A part of her want to give up and just moved on from the man but how when he is literally the father of her son.

A part of her was longing to be with him. But still she felt empty.

She is honestly fine if he doesn't want to be with her, for the sake of her son she'll embraced that.

She let go of the picture frames and carefully walkout of the room.

She was immediately met by a heavenly smell of pancakes.

She peek through the kitchen and her heart warmed at the sight.

Yeonjun was trying to help Taehyung, and the child would playfully put a little pancake batter on Taehyung nose then kiss it away while they both giggled loudly.

Taehyung took notice of her presence, he immediately smiled and gestured her to come.

"You're awake."

"Yeah.. I'm sorry I only woke up"

"Nah there's nothing to be sorry about." He chuckled and admired her cute morning face for a few seconds before focusing on the almost burnt pancakes.

"Mama mama!" Yeonjun excitedly called out after noticing his mom. "Mwornin!"

Sana giggled and pick him up from the kitchen counter. Yeonjun immediately cling on her and pointed at his dad who's cooking.

"Swurprise" he pouted sadly

Sana giggled again and pampered him with kisses as he released loud giggles.

"You're planning to surprise mommy?"

"pic fwail" Yeonjun muttered, making both Taehyung and Sana to chuckle.

"Its okay buddy. We can surprise mommy next time again"

Yeonjun's face light up and nodded at his father, obviously liking the idea.

"Uh. What day is it today?"

"Saturday. Why?" Taehyung answered and asked

"Nothing" Sana shortly answered, battling inwardly to not stare too long at the handsome man who's preparing her breakfast.

"Do you have any plans?" Taehyung asked again, looking at her after placing the last pancake.

"Not that I know of." Sana answered again, she glanced at Yeonjun who's trying his best to take a piece of strawberry from the counter.

Sana smiled fondly at the cute sight before reaching one and gave it to the toddler.

"fank you mama"

Sana caressed the boy's head and fix his hair before Taehyung offered to carry him.

"Uh.. is it okay if I take you out on a date?" Taehyung asked causing for Sana to be caught off guard.


"Yeah" He shyly scratch his head with his free hands. He swear his heart is in the verge of jumping out of his body.

Sana was silent for a few minutes which made him even more nervous than ever.

Then he caught her nodding and smiling slightly but still his heart is hammering, its not a clear answer okay?

"I don't see why not? Should we bring yeonjunnie?"

"I was hoping for ya know.. just the two of us for awhile"

Sana nodded. "Sure. I would love to"

He smiled widely then looked down on his toddler who's clapping his hand to his parents as if he knew what's happening.

"You heard that buddy? Me and mommy is going on a date"

Yeonjun giggled loudly and clap even more. "Dwate dwate!"

"Mama and Dada married!"


The End.

a/n: this is not a drill😭
i know i know i'm so bad at ending stuffs😭
but yea, finally after a year I finally had managed to end Rewrite The Stars.

To be honest I wasn't updating cause I don't want to end the book just yet.
Also the fact that this isn't how I planned to end it but this what my mind could make-up for a moment🤧
But I have to end it XD

I'm really sorry for the lame ending but hey! Stay tuned for the epilogue <3

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