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"Isn't that good? You two actually at least talk a bit." Nayeon asked to the younger male, who's in a deep thought.

"Yes of course but I was about to ask her a very important question when someone called her and she mentioned a guy's name that I of course never heard of before, at least for me." Taehyung pouted, remembering what happened.

"Maybe its her boyfriend?" Jin guessed, glancing at the younger before looking back at the television.

Taehyung grunted.

"Jin!" Nayeon called out, glaring at her fiance who gave a peace sign.

"I'm just guessing don't take it seriously." Jin took his words back.

"But what if it its her boyfriend?" Taehyung asked, still pouting.

"What's the name she mentioned anyway?" Nayeon asked, still glaring at her partner who's trying to dodge her glares.

"Something around Y and J..?" Taehyung answered unsurely. "Yonjeon. Yunjo. Eh something like those."

Jin and Nayeon's eyes both widened.

'Oh my god!' they both thought

"Why are you two widening your eyes?" Taehyung confusedly asked.

"We're not in the right place to tell but... you'll know it soon."

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

'This two are confusing, what do they know that I don't?'

"O..kay I guess."


"Head hurts."

"That's what you get for getting wasted last night."

"Is it my fault that I fell in love with the wine?" Tzuyu rolled her eyes as she slightly push the brute away.

"The heck are you doing here anyway?" The younger asked trying to stand without minding about the head ache too much.

"I explained it like two times now but okay anything for you." Jungkook scratch his nape as the female cringe.

"I was with Mina last night but then I went to you cause I saw you look really drunk and you keep on saying you wanna go home so I did."

"Why did you left Mina unnie alone! You should have brought her with us!" Tzuyu stressed.

"You know that I'm not the type of guy who just leaves his female friends alone without someone they know." Jungkook pouted, feeling like Tzuyu isn't believing him.

"Then who did you entrust her with?"

"Jimin hyung."

By the mention of the name, Tzuyu smirked and giggled for the first time that morning.

"What?" Jungkook asked confused, admiring her giggles.

"You playing cupid now?"

The guy was still confused until he realised and shyly smiled.

"Did I do a good job?"

"Hmm.. yea I guess."

"What if they don't make-up?"

"Then we will set them up. I'm on break at work so I have time." Tzuyu shrugged.



"Can we talk?"

"Aren't we already talking since earlier?" Tzuyu sassed.

"Stop sassing me, you know what I mean." Jungkook stated, dead serious.

Tzuyu sighed. "That still wouldn't change the fact you kissed her."

"My god Tzu, I don't care if you'll believe me or not but I'm telling the truth. She randomly pulled me just closely I swear i'm trying to move away but she keep on telling me to not move and just act like were sorta doing something for her ex-boyfriend to get jealous..."

Tzuyu rolled her eyes and interupted. "This is so typical."

"I know. The moment you dropped you're phone I was startled that I accidentally kissed her because of me turning to you."

"So its my fault?" Tzuyu raised an eyebrow, and seems ready to end the older. He quickly shooked his head.

"I'm sorry for giving you the wrong idea and for not immediately pushing her away and of course for making you cry. You know I hate seeing you cry."

Jungkook isn't a man of words and hearing him explain and hearing the sincerity of his voice made Tzuyu tear up.

"I hate you."

"Am I forgiven?" Jungkook asked, a small smile placed on his lips.

"I should be sorry too cause instead of hearing you're explanation, I let my stupid mind to make assumptions that only hurted me, us more. And I keep on running away from you."

"Nah, I understand."

"Why are you so understanding? I hate you so much." Tzuyu teared up, Jungkook laughed pulling her towards his lap.

"I love you too."

"Are we back together?" Jungkook asked again. Tzuyu nodded hiding her face on the crook of his neck as Jungkook's lips formed a huge smile.

"You said you're on break right?"

He felt her nodded.

"We have enough time to make a mini kookie and chewy."

Hearing this Tzuyu quickly raised her head, cheeks blushing, eyes widened.

"The fuck are you saying!?"

"Why why? I've always dream of that."

"Shut up."

"Or maybe let's get married first."

"Of course." Tzuyu nodded as he nodded as well.

"The wedding will be next week."

Tzuyu's eyes widened again and hit his chest.

"Its not that easy to work on things for a wedding."

"We have the hyungs and noonas they'll help us, the company too."

"You're insane."

Jungkook winked. "For you I can be insane."

"Ugh. Get out."

To Be Continued..

a/n: this shit is more better in my head T__T

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