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"I told you Jungkook, we have nothing to talk about!"

"We do! And I'll tell you what actually happened!"

"That my eyes are deceiving me and that you and your flirty ass woman of a secretary kissing by the elevator was a mistake? an accident? purely just by the moment?" Tzuyu released as she stopped from walking to face the older guy.

"Or you got tempted to kiss her because both of your faces are like inches away from each other?"

Jungkook sighed in frustration.

"Do you actually think I would cheat on you?"

"I don't know! How would I know? Do you?" Tzuyu asked back frustrated as well.

How did they ended up together?

Well Tzuyu was bored out of her mind back in her condominium and decided to stroll a bit at the mall.

But at the time she opened the door to her condominium she was face to face with a familiar face.


"I saw both of you with my own eyes! YOU pulled HER and the kissing begun."

Jungkook rub his temples. Face turning red as his getting irritated.

"I told you, there is nothing like completely nothing between me and that girl."

Tzuyu pushed him away irritated. "Just leave me alone, leave Jungkook."

"Tzuyu." Jungkook begged. Tzuyu rolled her eyes at the male.

"Tell me. When we went to this party last year. Is she the one you've been with the whole night?" Jungkook sighed and nodded

Tzuyu click her tongue. "See?? And you're fucking here telling me that there is nothing going on between the two of you?!"

"Its not what you think!"

"Then fucking tell me what is the mother fucking reason why you two were gone the whole night?!"

"We talked about business"

"Business my ass. Talking about business? In a fucking room alone? You're really not good at lying don't you Jeon?"

Jungkook opened his mouth to argue but the female beat him to it.

"Get out. I don't want to hear any of your bullshit excuses."

"But Tzuyu-"

"Out jungkook, or i'll call the security."

Jungkook didn't move, Tzuyu stomp her way through the front door and opened it.


Jungkook stayed still for a few minutes, Tzuyu look away but then she heard him sighed and slowly made his way towards the door.

As soon as he's outside, she quickly shut the door close and cried.


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