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"Babe, are you ready?"

"Yes!" Jihyo answered and snatch her bag on her bed and rush towards the stairs almost tripping in the process if it wasn't for Yoongi who immediately caught her.


She just chuckled shyly and fix her posture before following the guy outside.

It is currently seven in the evening, and Yoongi have been planning their date since last week. It only happened now because of their busy schedules.

But hey! At least it finally happened.

As they settled to the car, he immediately started the engine and smiled at her mysteriously.

"Where are we going?"

"I told you its a surprise"

"Not even a hint?" She pouted, while admiring the man who just chuckled while driving.

"Even if I give you a hint, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore." He answered, glancing at the adorable female

She pouted again but nodded anyways trying not to ask questions again and again.

He halted the car and parked in a nearest parking lot.

"We're here." He stated. She looked around the place in confusion, feeling like she saw it somewhere.

She quickly followed the male who just went out of the car.

"Remember this place back in college?"

Jihyo stopped to think for a moment before she click her fingers repeatedly, a huge smile forming on her face.

"Oh! Is it the first street food place we went to as a group?"

"Yep!" Yoongi confirmed, chuckling at her cute expression.

He gently took her hand on his and intertwined them together.

"Let's start our date?"

She excitedly nodded and they both started walking through the food stalls.

"We'll get five sticks of lamb skewers please" He ordered, the vendor immediately prepared their order after reheating the food and packing and paying, the couple went and bought a few more foods before settling at a unoccupied table.

"This bring back so much memories." Jihyo groaned in satisfaction.

"I remember that time, I was actually in disbelief that you haven't taste a street food before" He shared, shaking his head as he took a bite from his skewers.

"Yea. My parents are really paranoid saying there are germs and etcetera." Jihyo playfully rolled her eyes

"How are.. things between you and your father?" He opened up. He regretted asking about it after immediately noticing her reaction but then she smiled and shrugged.

"I guess were having process..? Im just kinda having a hard time to cope up with him after all the years." She shrugged and drink her coke.

He nodded in understanding.

"What do you think happened between Taehyung and Sana?"

"Well, Taehyung apparently is stuck in his room according to Dahyun. I guess he is still registering the fact that he already have a child."

"I know he is still shock with the information but he can't do anything now since Yeonjun is literally almost four, i think." Jihyo guessed, having trouble remembering the child's age.

"You're one terrible auntie seriously" Yoongi can't help but laughed at his girlfriend.

Jihyo rolled her eyes. "Its not my fault i'm bad at remembering things!"

"Yea that explains why it took you awhile to remember this place."

Jihyo rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, her lips once again forming a pout.

"Have I told you about Jin and Nayeon's wedding?"

"Oh yea when is it and what's the theme?"

"They said salmon pink and white, and there is no specific date yet but they have everything planned out."

Yoongi nodded before eyeing his girl.


"Nothing you just look cute when you eat."

The girl once again rolled her eyes at the cheesy remark but also couldn't help but blush at the compliment.

"Shut up moron."

He laughed and then got serious and stared at her again. "I promised that I will marry you one day."

Her eyes went wide at what the male said, cheeks starting to burn once again.


He smiled and went down on his knees. "I know its not my thing but I can't help it. I always imagine myself building a family with you and having mini me's and mini you's in our future home, hearing their little giggles echoing throughout the house. I can't wish for anything more than that."

Jihyo, the emotional girl that she is immediately felt her eyes watering.

Yoongi gave her his gummy smile that she absolutely loved. Before reaching down in his pocket.

There laid a beautiful silver diamond ring.

She must be dreaming since she just saw it shined like those in cartoons.

Yoongi purse his lips and breath calmly. "Will you marry me?"

The tears that she have been stopping from falling from earlier are now freely racing down her cheeks.

She quickly nodded. "Yes!"

They didn't notice a small crowd formed to witness the sweet proposal until they all cheered for the newly engage couple.

The couple shyly bowed at them before exchanging a few 'congratulations' and 'thank yous' everyone started minding their own business.

The couple stayed for a bit more going around the amusement park and eating again and again before deciding to finally go home.

"Thank you for tonight. I'm so happy" She quietly shared, her eyes showing how much happy she is as she leaned on his shoulders while he drive.

He reached out for her hand and placed a peck on the crown of her head eyes not leaving the road.

"I am happy and grateful, love."

To Be Continued..

a/n: i did my best hehez
comment down what you guys think😭

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