a/n + Chapter 1 (T)

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I won't do any a/n's without chapters because frankly, those get annoying.

Hi, I'm Scattereddarkmatter!

Happy Halloween! This is a Coraline MCYT au, this will make a lot more sense if you've seen the movie. So I highly suggest watching it.

You don't need to read the book to understand this, but the book is really good and I reference it a lot. It's scarier than the movie though, so be warned.

Coraline by Neil Gaiman.

It's on Audible if you want the audiobook. That version is read by Neil Gaiman himself, so pretty Pog.

We'll see how this fic turns out. I worked very hard on it.

I'm not pretending to know what the actual content creators' lives are like, this is purely for entertainment.

The (T) or (W) is the POV the chapter will be in. Tommy or Wilbur.

This is very Tommy and Wilbur centric.

Also, it was really fun to bash America this much when I'm American.

Chapter one: Alone Time

TommyInnit was alone.

His parents had decided, for whatever reason to move to America. The worst country he could think of.

Tommy was very vocal about not wanting to go, but they didn't care about his opinion it seemed.

They were at the home stretch, driving to the house when they got in a car wreck.

Now Tommy was crying in a hospital bathroom stall.

His parents were going to be okay, thankfully. But that meant that he was going to be alone in that hundred year old house for months. The idea scared him. So deeply scared him.

He stayed there for a bit until he decided to call Wilbur. Slowly pulling out his phone, he pressed the call button. It only took a second of ringing before he answered.

"Tommy? Are you alright? You haven't been answering my calls."

Oh, right. He took his anger about moving to America out on Wilbur by ghosting him on the trip. That probably wasn't smart.

"Wilby..." Tommy's voice sounded so broken and hurt. And all anger Wilbur might've had vanished in an instant.

"Tommy?! Are you okay what happened?"

"There- There was a truck on the road, and- n-now my parents are hurt and they'll have to s-stay in the hospital for a while."

It was a poor explanation, but an explanation nonetheless.

"Will they be okay?"

Tommy nodded weakly before realizing Wilbur couldn't see him, and muttered a small "yes".

"How long will they be in there?"

"I... I don't know. At least a few months. I'll be alone in the dumb house the whole time." Tommy muttered. He'd stopped full on crying. But was feeling quite dizzy.

"Tommy, you need to breathe." Wilbur said.

Tommy hadn't realized he'd been hyperventilating.

"Breathe deeply, please." Had Wilbur ever sounded so worried for Tommy? He wasn't sure. He has started to slow his breathing but he was still feeling incredibly dizzy.

"Good, very good Tommy, how's your blood pressure?" Wilbur asked.

"Oh, that's why I'm so dizzy." Tommy would've laughed a bit if not for the situation.

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