Chapter 7 (T)

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Chapter 7: Fantastic Garden

It took a week of just watching Tubbo videos in lonesome jealousy before he decided to go towards the door again, when he did it was in the dead of night, as it's bricked up during the day. It was Just like last time. Except the green triangle was a necklace under his shirt.

He didn't even know what made him want to check.

He snuck past Wilbur's door. Silently cursing at the same wooden plank that would creak when you stepped on it.

There were no mice this time, which almost made him more comfortable.

Then he reached the little door.

Feeling to make sure he still had his green triangle, (which he did) he opened the door, and left the button key in the keyhole.

The tunnel was still as fanciful as last time and he crawled through it with less hesitance than before. At least he knew what he was in for.

But when he made it to the other side, there was no one.

Tommy checked the kitchen and the dining room.

Then he decided to check his room.

Well, his Other room.

When he went in, he half expected it to be like his room at home. But that wasn't the case. It was painted a light red color, with different video game consoles sitting atop a large desk. There were LEDs lining the walls and a little tent in the corner. With fairy lights. He would be lying if he didn't say he that the room was the coolest thing ever.

Tubbo was sitting on the window seat. Reading a chapter book. He was wearing the same outfit his minceraft skin had. Though, his green shirt was correctly buttoned.


Tubbo looked up and Tommy flinched. He had button eyes.

This was the Other Tubbo.

"Tommy! Big man! What's up!" Other Tubbo set his book down and gave Tommy finger guns. Then stood up and approached Tommy.

"Hello, uh we're you... Reading?"

"Yup!" Other Tubbo said.

"Aren't you like, super dyslexic?"

"Maybe your Tubbo is dyslexic, but everything is right over here! Not a spec of dust where it shouldn't be." Other Tubbo smiled brightly.

"Except the buttons." Tommy said.

"Well I don't think anything's wrong with them do you?"


"What's wrong with them?" Other Tubbo cocked his head to the side.

"Well..." Tommy didn't know what to say.

"See! Everything here is great! No dyslexia, no crappy room! No Ranboo!"

"No what???"

"There's no Ranboo to get in the way of us Tommy! You have my undivided attention!"

Dispite Other Tubbo's cheerful demeanor, Tommy couldn't help but feel guilty that this world had deleted their Other Ranboo. He was probably really fun, and Tommy was just overly jealous...

Though, having Tubbo all to himself was pretty enticing.

Wait- that sounds bad out of context.

"Alright big man," Tommy said to the Other Tubbo. Who had been waiting patiently for him to process his words.

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