Chapter 15 (T)

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Chapter 15: The Game

Tommy woke up in his bedroom. Well, his Other bedroom. The one that was all fancy but didn't feel quite right.

Was it always night here?

Tommy got up and made sure the triangle was hidden.

It was.

Tommy snuck down the stairs and made sure to avoid the creaky floorboard as he made his way to the drawing room.

Not that it mattered if he avoided it.

The little door was covered by a large bug. If was a closet? Tommy didn't bother figuring it out but he inched closer and started pushing it out of the way.

A hand grabbed him and pulled him away. Tommy jumped and almost screamed. He looked to who had stopped him.

It was the Other Tubbo.

"What's your deal?" Tommy said angrily.

"If you go there, you might lose your chance to save your brother."

"What?! Since when do you care? Also what do you mean?"

"The only reason he could return was because she let him. She's not going to let him anymore. If you leave, he will not follow."

Tommy thought about this.

"Okay. Other Tubbo- if that is your real name- I'll believe you."

"It's not. I don't have a name."

"Oh that's... Sad."

The Other Tubbo flinched and muttered, "She is coming." Before running down the hall towards the stairs.

Tommy stepped away from the little door in time to see The Beldam.

She was tall and spindly, and awful looking. Tommy hated how she almost looked like his own mother. She walked in as if nothing was wrong.

"Oh, there you are Tommy, I was worried that you would run away. But it seems you did learn your lesson." She smiled slightly too wide.

"Uh, yeah... I guess." Tommy didn't know what to say.

She walked over to the bug cabinet and waved a hand. At the command the bug moved out of the way and she opened the door.

The tunnel was very different. The fabric looked more like a burlap sack, and it was covered in spider webs. She clapped as something came scurrying through, a black hairy, ugly, rat with yellow teeth and beady red eyes. Which changed into red button eyes as soon as it passed through the door. It had the button key in it's mouth, which it held up to the Beldam. She gleefully took it, locked the door, and swallowed it whole. Tommy had almost forgotten about the key. He should've hidden it better.

Why does she want the key so bad? Unless... Unless there's only one.

The Beldam turned to Tommy as the bug dresser stuff in front of the door again.

"Now then, why don't you come to the kitchen, I'm making breakfast." She walked back out and to the kitchen.

Tommy took a deep breath and followed.

He sat down at the kitchen table (the dining room had disappeared) and heard her humming while she made food.

It was creepy.

Tommy sat there. In front of him was the box with the buttons in. She was trying to make him reconsider.

How much of an idiot did she think he was?

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