Chapter 12 (W)

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Chapter 12: Distance

Wilbur woke up exhausted, traumatized and without the help of his dreams.

This was truly awful. He was so ready to just be put out of his misery. Tommy should just run and he'll die. Hopefully quickly.

Then it occurred to him: soul eating probably wasn't fast or painless.

Wilbur shuddered as he took in his surroundings. He saw the peering red eyes in the cracks of the walls. Listening in, watching him.

Stupid rats.

Though he had grown used to then. The unusual part was...

Tommy was sleeping next to him.

That was odd. Wilbur had first started leaving his door open in case Tommy has nightmares, but Wilbur knew he wasn't. His "dreams" were amazing, he said so himself a few nights before. And tonight he had talked to the woman all about how much he enjoyed last night.

But here he was, in his pajamas from last night. He wasn't only under the covers, he was clinging onto Wilbur for dear life, arms wrapped around his torso. As if Wilbur was going to die.


Wilbur shook that thought away.

"Tommy, are you alright?" Wilbur shook him awake.

Tommy came to his senses quickly. And sat up next to Wilbur.

"... Hi."

"Tommy, not that I don't like seeing you but, why are you here? Did you have a nightmare?"

"... Yeah. Yeah I did."

Even if wilbur hadn't known what happened already, he would've been able to tell that was a lie.

"Tommy, that's bullsh**." Wilbur said.

"Okay, okay, wasn't really a nightmare. But it was odd. The first part was... Tommy trailed off. He glanced around.

"I don't want to talk about it."

That was concerning. What had happened.

What had that woman done to him.

Tommy stood up and left the room.

What happened?

Wilbur went downstairs to find Tommy leaning against the table.

"I don't want uh, cereal. Can we go out?"

Another lie.

"I thought you didn't like American food."

"I- uh uhm." He cursed under his breath, but it was very quiet. "It's growing on me."

"... Okay."

They went up to get dressed and soon, were on their way.

Wilbur took Tommy to a small restaurant with French toast and eggs.

Tommy ate it, but was quiet the entire time.

"Now that I've gotten you food," Wilbur started. "Are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" Tommy was suprised.

"Well..." Tommy stopped to think about his answer before responding. "I wanted to talk to you, away from the house, I mean. Where no one's watching. I was going to try the well, but I don't think that's far enough away."

Why would he want to get away from the house? He didn't see the eyes peering at him at all times. He didn't know the dangers behind the door. At least, not well enough to stop going there.

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