Chapter 18 (W)

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Chapter 18: Sweet Dreams & Salty Spiders

Wilbur watched in horror as the Other Dream grabbed Tommy in mid-air by his shirt and threw him to the floor.

Tommy cried out pain. And his phone fell out of his pocket.

The Other Dream stepped away from Wilbur and walked over to Tommy, who was struggling to sit up.

The Other Dream brandished his sword.

He's going to kill Tommy. Wilbur realized. His eyes went wide.

Wilbur looked around the theatre franticly for anything that could help him.

There was nothing but rubble that he couldn't reach out there. That, and those demon-bat-things.

Over here there was nothing but the Other Dream, Tommy's phone, and Carl.

No scratch that last one, Carl was gone. Wilbur didn't have time to think about that.

Wilbur started to hyperventilate.

The Other Dream raised his sword high above Tommy's head.

This was it, Wilbur wasn't able to save his best friend. He froze up at the last moment. His mind went blank when he needed it most. He'd failed, he'd FAILED, HE'D FAILED, HE'D-

"No no nO, I DON'T WANNA DIE!"

Tommy's screams made Wilbur snap into action, he scrambled over to Tommy's phone and turned on the flashlight, shining it towards the bats.

The Other Dream froze in confusion just long enough for them to start getting angry and screeching.

The Other Dream whipped around and saw the bats getting riled up, some of them already in flight.

Wilbur shoved the phone into the Other Dream's arms and grabbed Tommy, pulling him away from the Other Dream.

All at once before the Other Dream could do anything dozens of bat things flew right at him. They knocked him over, onto the ground and crushed him.

It was dead silent for a moment. All the bats quickly turned white to match the chipping canvas. The white spread across the theatre. Turning everything to a light grey.

Everything was still. Then Wilbur and Tommy looked at each other.

Tommy practically tackled Wilbur in a bone-crushing hug.

"I'm alive Wilbur! I'm alive! I'm alive! I'm alive!" Tommy repeated it over and over as he cried into Wil's shoulder.

"I know, Tommy, I know! I'm sorry I took so long!"

"You saved my life Wilbur! You don't need to apologise for anything! You're officially my favorite brother! Holy SH-"

Someone cleared their throat.

Tommy's crying quieted down, and he slowly pulled away.

It was the Cat. He sat in front of them, sitting tall, like you would imagine a cat would in ancient Egypt.

"I don't remember saving you." Tommy said quietly.

"Your memory appears to be on the lackluster side then." The cat responded. His tail swished from side to side. Almost happily.

"She cannot create, only steal and twist and distort. And she did not have much left of her would. Do you think she had enough material to create a living, breathing horse all on her own?" The Cat said.

"You were the horse." Wilbur realized.

"That makes sense! The horse never had button eyes!" Tommy yelled.

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