Chapter 6 (W)

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Chapter 6: Reality

Wilbur was suprised when he wasn't woken my Tommy. That concerned Wil quite a bit, luckily when he checked on him, he was fast asleep in his bed.


Wilbur left Tommy to sleep while he went downstairs to make breakfast.

He had his back turned when he heard Tommy's quiet footsteps entered the kitchen.


He turned around to see Tommy, who sighed at this. Why, he didn't know.

"Good morning Tommy, how are you?"

"Pretty good. I'm still a little tired."

"Same. I was thinking of finding somewhere to fix your computer. You have to use it at some point."

Tommy nodded and poured himself some cereal.

"Wilbur, how much do you know about dreams?"

"Dreams? I think I know quite a bit."

"Cool, cuz I had a weird friggin' dream."

"What do you remember?"

"Uhm, not much." Wilbur could tell that was a lie but he would respect privacy.

"There were... Buttons. I remember buttons. And I don't know why. They were like the buttons on that doll."

"Well, what do you think they represent?"

"I have no frickin' clue." Tommy was louder today. That was good.

"Well, I think buttons mean childlike."

"No... they weren't to do with a child. That feels wrong."

Oh how the tables turn.

"Well, then maybe they're supposed to appeal to a child. Childlike wonder. Sugar to help the medicine go down."

"Yeah, yeah that's it. Thanks Wilbur."

"And you're the one complaining about logic puzzles."

"These are dreams, idiot."

Wilbur rolled his eyes.

Wilbur found a place that would be able to fix Tommy's computer, but they couldn't get it back for another week and a half.


Tommy had decided that the mist covering the ground was cool and that he was going to play in it, and he didn't want to go outside alone so Wilbur had to watch like a bored parent. He was such a child sometimes.

Luckily Fawn was back.

And she stopped to talk to him a bit.

"So, I was curious. Are there other ways of Fortune telling apart from tea leaves?"

"Oh sure, you could also use playing cards but I don't know how. It quite harder and people call you a magician a lot more. Though I have heard of people who are just born with the ability to foresee events."

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