Chapter 5 (T)

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Chapter 5: Other World

Tommy went to sleep after throwing away the doll. He was tired. Wilbur waited by the door until Tommy was in bed. So that Tommy would feel safe. Then he turned off the light, Told Tommy that his door was slightly open if he needed anything, and closed the door.

Falling asleep was much easier now that he wasn't alone in the house.

He really needed to thank Wilbur for everything.

With that thought, he was asleep.

He didn't sleep for long, at least, he didn't think he did. He was awoken by the pattering of feet. Something small, like a mouse. Scurrying under his bed. The thing was a mouse, a rather cute one at that. But Tommy was still nervous about following it. It was hard to see it's features in the dark. That almost made it look like some shapeless shadow, scurrying about. But when lightning flashed he saw how cute it was again. Tommy didn't think this was reason enough to wake Wilbur. It was a mouse. He's bothered Wil enough anyway. So he took the green triangle and used that as a form of protection.

Maybe it made him feel better because it was a gift from Wilbur. Like a reminder that he was close in case he needed anything.

He slowly followed the little mouse as it Scampered down the stairs.

He cringed at the creaking of the floorboards. As he stepped down the stairs.

The little mouse led him over into the drawing room. And it went into the slightly open little door.

Was there a hole in the bricks it went through?

Tommy knelt down beside it and opened the door.

That wasn't...what? What was that?!

Instead of the thoroughly depressing bricks, there was a tunnel. It was small. Just big enough to crawl through. It looked like it was made out of fabric, and it glowed with purple and blue hues. When Tommy put his hand on the fabric it sank under his weight, like it had nothing under it. It felt warm, but not uncomfortably so. It was fuzzy and soft, sleeping in the tunnel would probably be more comfortable than his bed. Tommy couldn't quite see what was on the other end of the tunnel.

It was enticing. But also scary in a way.

Tommy gripped the little triangle tightly.

Wilbur probably wouldn't advise him to go though a mysterious and suddenly appearing tunnel. Especially when it almost pulsed under his hand.

Tommy pulled his head back out, closed the door, and went to bed.


The curiosity of what was at the end of the tunnel plagued him all of the next day. Even when he and Wilbur played board games. Or ate more stupid American food. (They had finally gone shopping.) Or when they just talked.

That night was the same as the night before. Tommy was awoken by scuttling and squealing of tiny mice.

Tommy took the green triangle and followed.

The mouse led him to the same place as before.

Tommy opened the door and saw the tunnel again.

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