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Yoongi's laugh was loudly echoing through the room. His gums showing and his eyes almost closed. It was as if the whole Universe had disappeared and it was now just him and Hoseok. With the things they talked about.

"If I had a dog I'd name it Holly." Yoongi assured, thinking about how'd it be to be human.

"And if it was a male dog?"

"Holly as well."

With that they broke into another round of breathless chuckles.

"I don't think I'd survive as a Human. Imagine needing to pee." Hoseok retorted.

"I couldn't possibly keep up with drinking water." Yoongi sighed and looked back at Hoseok.

As they laid next to each other, but opposite ways. Their eyes met again, stars shining in each other's beautiful pearls.

"The only good part is that I'd be an attractive human." Hoseok joked, smirking.

"That's for sure."

Hoseok beamed at the older, loving the way he just never denied things.

"Do you think it's possible to go down and explore?" Yoongi spoke again.

"You mean Earth?"

"Yea, do you think we'd get in trouble?"

The two stayed silent for a moment. Staring off into space, thoughts flowing through their heads.

"We should ask Raina."

With that the boys changed topics, the small wonder of adventuring throughout the Human world still lingering.

"HOSEOK!" A woman ran into the room, startling the two. "What is he doing here?"

The girl pointed at Yoongi, who shyly held onto his elbow.

"He's a friend..." The taller stood up, to confront his sister.

"You don't have time for friends!" She pulled on his arm, taking him away without notice.

Hoseok mumbled a small I'm sorry to the other. Yoongi just sat there, that wasn't even his place. He was confused, why was she so rude about it? Oh well, after all it runs in the family. He tried to make his way out again, without interacting with anyone else. So he just snuck out.

Quite the experience it was to go over with Hoseok, but that didn't stop him from becoming friends with the boy. Every time they talked, they became closer. Like they're each other's missing puzzle piece. They took out sides of the other that neither of them knew existed, and they couldn't complain. And only did their interest in the planet Earth grew. Promising each other they'd go together.

"Raina said she'd give me 'books' about it." Yoongi said, as Hoseok and him stared once more at the sky.

"What is that?"

"I don't know? She said it's a resource of studying for Humans." The smaller responded, diverting his eyes through the different planets and stars.

"Interesting. And what do you do with them?"


"And how do you do that?"

"I don't know! I'm not a Human!" The older retorted.

He knew nothing about that, and but he was planning on learning any time soon.

"Well then we'll figure it out don't worry." Hoseok shined a heart smile for the billionth time, making Yoongi's heart flutter.

Hoseok loves seeing the older's cheeks flush a bright pink. He didn't know how he even managed to do it, but when he complimented the other he got the cutest reactions ever. As every time a small smile would appear on his lips, and his eyes tried to avoid his stare.

"You know, it's cute when you do that." He chuckled as he gazed back out to the darkness.

Yoongi was simply left speechless, this was a whole other step. One he definitely enjoyed. He wanted more, he wanted to do things that would be rewarded with Hoseok's sweet words.

"Raina said there was this thing called ice cream, and that it's sweet but good." The older mumbled, stumbling on his words.

"Ahh, we'd have to try it."

Once more they got lost between their conversations. Marveled by each other's knowledge either way.

"Anyways, I have to go. Jiwoo must be looking for me like crazy." Hoseok stood up, helping Yoongi up as well.

"Aww, I don't want you to go." Yoongi pouted.

Both boys opened their arms, embracing each other one last time that night.

"I don't want to go either, but we'll see each other soon." Hoseok patted his head walking off.

"Ok then... I'll see you later?"


Yoongi watched him as he left his side. A dreamy sigh leaving his lips.

"I have never seen you so intensely interested in something." A sudden deep voice broke the silence.

"Namjoon?! I thought you said you couldn't come..." The older slowly turned around to be met with his friend.

"Well, I made it. Just in time to see you simping over the God of the Sun." Namjoon rolled his eyes making his was to Yoongi.

"I'm not- what does that even mean?" Yoongi smirked.

"Like I've said before, and I'll say it again, no idea. Humans use expressions like that." The taller shrugged.

He ruffled Yoongi's hair, smiling at his frustrated expression.

"Just when are you going to stop making those nonsense jok- I don't even think they're jokes!" Yoongi scoffed, leading Namjoon somewhere else.

"When you tell me what's going on between you and that God." Namjoon insisted, stopping his tracks.

Yoongi took in a deep breath, afraid to even say a thing. How was he going to explain his friendship with the other God, and how was he going to take the critique from others.

"I'll tell you, but not here. My parents might hear, or someone else might. We can't risk it."

It didn't take long for the two to hide from everyone, or hopefully everyone. Yet it was just in time for Yoongi to be able to confess everything. His wrong doings, like befriending a God he wasn't even supposed to know, and betraying his family and his job for having fallen for that same God.

"This is more impossible than me trying to get close to SeokJin. Are you sure you don't need like a break or something?" Namjoon interrupted.

Unable to explicate this weird sensation in his chest, as if he knew just by having seen them he was doing something illegal.

"I want to go to Earth." Yoongi implied.

"What does that have to do with this?"

"I want to go with Hoseok."

Namjoon gasped, covering his face, and eyes almost popping out.

"You know what, I know someone who can help."

With that, Namjoon told the older to follow him. Taking them somewhere where Yoongi barely went. Planets Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn.

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