🌑 11 🌑

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If it wasn't for Yoongi's pounding heart, he wouldn't be still procrastinating. He held tightly onto the two navy blue knitted bracelets. It was almost 4:50 for the California Cost. He was sure Hoseok would show up, knowing he's a God who faithfully follows directions. It still hurt him to think about all the mixed emotions going through his head. How he had become fond of his new friend without realizing, in such little time. How his parents had agreed to something like marrying one of his best friends.

"Yoongi?" Soon enough, a faint voice interrupted his anxious notions.

"You actually came?" He, surprised, smiled at he man.

"Of course I did. I mean, we're still friends right?" Without thinking, he took Yoongi's hands in his.

Being able to feel how cold and shaky they were. The smaller pulled them away with an awkward smile, still aware of the situation their in.

"I wanted to give you this." As he moved on topics, the bracelets he had been holding came back to mind.

Hoseok's eyes landed on the two beautifully covered accessories he had seen before. Having forgotten about them.

"What are they?"


Yoongi told him to bring up his arm, wrapping the material around his wrist. Mindful of how well it matched with his honey like skin.

"For protection, because we're going down to Earth." Without notice, Yoongi pulled on his hand.

Taking him somewhere else. He'd rather not do this right that moment, but he had no choice. The feelings he had dug before inside him had to come out, and this was just the way.

"Raina knows about it, and so we can't waist any time if we really wanna spend some time together." The older simply let out.

No hesitation in his words. He was pretty confident about what he was planning, all he had to do was let it out.

"We gotta hurry..."


"Yet again..."


"I wonder if...."


Time seemed to slow down inside the boys heads, their vision blurring by the second. The stars and planets around them becoming just smudges of paint, and the grounds that touched their feet seemed to disintegrate. As if now they stood on a dark heavy cloud. Soon enough, when Hoseok's hand made its way to Yoongi's he lost it. Closing his eyes for a moment, not realizing the outcome of one small simple act. From there, it was as if their bodies fell heavily, through the abyss, to somewhere they did not know.

Sunlight dripped through the light blue window curtains. Spilling onto the boys' eyes. It was obvious they were no longer in space, but right where they wanted to be. But just where are they?

As the bright streams of light bothered Yoongi, his arms made the effort to lift him up. His legs tangled with some cozy warm material. A sudden cold breeze hit his face and he finally opened his eyes. Exploring the unknown room he was in. He was on some squishy thing that rested in the middle of the room against a wall. It had blue and white coverings spread on it. The windows had baby blue fluttery curtains that covered the outside from his vision. On another wall, stood a large tall wooden closure. It had a silver piece on a side, and Yoongi just wondered how that even worked.

He thought about this for quite a while, was he trapped in a room? There was clearly no escape. He drifted in his spot before he was met with a hand. Not just anyone's hand, but Hoseok's hand. He for the first time dared to look besides him, seeing his friend laying next to him. His gentle features and quiet breathing creating something inside Yoongi. The familiar tingly feeling in his stomach.

The boy, once done with looking at him, pushed himself back down. Just to be met with the other's resting face. His lips looked so inviting, but it wasn't time for that.

"Hoseok..." He whispered as he gently pulled on his hand.

It didn't seem to do anything, so he did it again. Until the other unknowingly wrapped an arm around him, and let out a yawn. Yoongi was startled, confused by what was happening.

"What happened~?" The younger asked barely opening his eyes.

"I don't know where we are..."

With that Hoseok smiled, helping himself to repeat Yoongi's actions from earlier. He too felt lost, caged in a room with a soft cushion under him. He had read about this before. What was it? A room.... A badroom? No no, it was a bedroom? Yea that must be it.

"We should stay calm, there's nothing to worry about. We have all the time we can think of. We'll get it." His words suddenly resonated in Yoongi's head.

He was right. No more freaking out, he had Hoseok with him. Nothing could possibly go wrong.

Just a quick note, things get messy from this point on. I hope you all enjoyed :))


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