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Me and Katsuki woke up around 10 and decided to head to a cafe for breakfast. He picked a little cafe called, "Spoonful of Sugar". I thought the name was absolutely adorable.

When we walked in, a hostess showed us to a small 2 seated table, in a secluded area, in the back of the cafe. Soon a waiter brought us menus and told us he'll be right back to take our order. We both quietly looked through the menu, looking for something appetizing.

After 10 minutes or so the waiter approached us and asked we would like to order.

'I hate ordering my food. It always makes me so nervous. I wish I could just write it down, and give it to the waiter.'

I stammered and stuttered uncontrollably.

Katsuki interrupted me by holding up his hand, gesturing that he'll do it. As always, he had an annoyed face. "She's liked one (favorite pastry) and (favorite drink). Can I have one black coffee with a bagel?"

I stared at him in awe.


The waiter quickly wrote everything down. "Of course. Coming right up!" He grinned and walked to the kitchen.

I wasn't going to say anything, but I had to know. "Kacchan, how'd you know what I going to say? Do you have a secret mind-reading quirk?"

All he did was roll his eyes.

I gasped. "You do?! How could you keep this from your best friend?" I crossed my arms and looked away.

"Shut up. I don't have a damn mind reading quirk." He lowly growled.

"So how'd you know?" I looked back curiously.

"You're my best friend, dumbass. I know everything about you." His cheeks had a small tint.

"Aw, you love me." My comment made him blush harder.

"No, I don't." He quickly defended himself with a lie.

I don't know why he's acting like this isn't true. "The love letters you wrote me from when we were 9 say otherwise." I tease and stick my tongue out at him.

"You said you wouldn't bring those up anymore!" He grunted through his teeth.

I held my finger up, signaling him to hold on while I pulled out my phone. I got to my photos and scroll up until ...

Dear Katsuki || ᴋ. ʙᴀᴋᴜɢᴏWhere stories live. Discover now