6 Days Left

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"Y/n, wake up. Wake up. I said wake up damn it!"

Groaning as I finally get up, I rub my eyes. Kacchan stands in front of me. A yawn comes from me as I sit up in my bed.

"What do you want, Katsuki?" I say in a raspy tone. All I want to do is go back to sleep and get back to my dream.

"First, drop the attitude. Second, Merry Christmas to you, too, Idiot." He rolls his eyes at me.

Oh, shit. It is Christmas. "Merry Christmas, Kacchan." I reach up to kiss his cheek and give him a hug. "Please, don't take this in a rude way, but why are you here?"

He gazes into my sleepy eyes. "The old hag and the old fart are waiting in the car outside. By the way, if it wasn't obvious, we're using our last home visitation day today. I already turned them into Mr. Aizawa."

"Really?!" I bounce in my bed from excitement. "What are your parents doing here?"

"They won't tell me. It's a secret. All I know is that today we're hanging out with them for the whole day." He caresses my hair. "So start getting ready." He said in such a demanding tone.

"But it's-" I turn my head to my clock. I groan once I see the time. "It's 6 AM."

"You know what they say 'The early bird gets the worm.'" He tries to give a good reason, but his reason sucks.

"Well, the early bird also gets no fucking pussy." I lay back down and throw my blanket over me.

"That makes no god damn sense!" He yells at me and clenches his fist.

"Shut up. Yes, it did, whore." I turn over to face him.

"Cum slut." He said in response to my insult.

"Only for yours." I sexually giggle, while I lick my lips.

He doesn't know this, but that dream I was having earlier was a wet one. I waited for some sort of an outburst from him, but he gave me nothing. All he did was get closer to me. His index finger is delicately placed under my chin, and he rubs his thumb against my lower lip.

"I would fuck the shit out of you right now, but we need to go."

I bashfully bat my eyes at him. He lets go of my face and waltzes over to the closet. He grabs a white mini skirt, fishnets, chunky black boots, and an oversized skull hoodie. He grabs some chains to use as necklaces and rummages through the rest of my jewelry.

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