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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" All of class 1A yells and throws up multi-colored confetti when I enter the first floor of the dormitory. With a shocked expression and tears in my eyes, I ask a question. "What's this?"

"It's your birthday party, duh." Denki says and removes pieces of confetti from my curly hair.

"Happy birthday, beautiful." Kirishima lovingly hugs me, and I squeeze him back.

"You guys did all of this for me?" Stars in my eyes, and a smile starts to form on my face.

"We all worked together to set it up." Red says as he looks around the group that's gathered together. I'm so lucky to have a classmates like them.

"But it was mainly me and Kacchan." Denki buts in. It's cute that he won't let everyone take his credit.

"Kacchan?" I question with a finger upon my lip.

'He helped? He's so sweet. Growing up I always told him that I wanted a birthday. I can't believe he actually remembered. He helped me check off #5 on my list.'

I glance down at my shoes while biting my lip.

"Please don't tell him I called him that!" The blond exclaims. He falls onto his knees with his hands interlocking and little balls of sweat appear on his head.

The tears I tried so hard to hold back managed to escape. I feel like such a cry baby.

"Oh shoot! Did I say something wrong? Are you okay?" He jumps onto his feet and instantly wipes away any tears.

Kirishima trying to be a good lover grabs a napkin and wipes any more that come out. I guess it sucks that Denki got to it before him.

"No, no, you didn't do anything wrong. I've never had a birthday party before, and I can't believe you guys did this for me." I smile at everyone in the room. While looking I see everyone expected Katsuki. "Where's Katsuki?"

"Oh, he's in his room." Red points behind him to the bedroom hall.

Furrowing my eyebrows I ask, "Why?"

He scratches his stiff hair trying to think. "Uh, honestly I don't know."

"I'll be right back." Before leaving I give my Bunny, aka Denki, a bear hug as thank you for helping set this up. "Thank you for everything you do for me. I truly appreciate it." I whisper in his ear and then run off.

Knock Knock

Katsuki took a while before opening his door.

"What do you want, airhead?" Once he did he motions for me to come in, but I stay at the door.

"Why aren't you at the party you set up?"

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