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(A/N: when you see this "~~" it means play or stop the song at the top. lyrics sung will be underlined. best experience with ear buds/headphones/airpods!)

 best experience with ear buds/headphones/airpods!)

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Denki Kaminari POV:

I could barely sleep for the past two days thinking about y/n, but it was a weird mixture of thoughts. It was mainly about her and how amazing she is, then imagines of her sliced arms would flash into my head. I know I shouldn't have, but I could not stop thinking about those perfectly round jugs of hers.

On the way walking to school, I spot Bakugo walking all alone.

"Hey, hey, Bakugo." I catch up to him.

He sharply turns around with an angry expression."WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?!"

'I guess he's still upset about me like y/n.'

He then continues walking like I'm not even here. I chase after him.

"Dude, I need to talk to you about y/n."

He stays looking forward. "I'm listening."

I take a deep breath. "The other day I saw that she has self-harm scars. To be honest, they looked freshly done. I haven't had the chance to ask if she's okay, yet." I stare down at my feet while we walk. "I was planning on going up to her, later. I just thought you should know since you guys are so close. Maybe you should try talking to her, too." I ramble out everything I was thinking. I rub the nape of my neck from this awkward conversation.

Bakugo immediately blurts out, "You think I don't know that? I'm the one she goes to when she needs help! When she's at her absolute fucking lowest I'm the one there for her!" He takes a step closer to my face. I really hope he doesn't punch it. "Do you really think I don't know every single little detail about her? She's my fucking best friend! I don't need some dunce faced idiot telling me anything about her." He flips his bag over his shoulder and continues to walk to school.

I, on the other hand, stop walking and stare at him as he struts away.

'He ... knew?'

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧


After taking the Asian History exam I notice Denki walking back to the dorms by himself.

Wow, he actually likes me. If I'm being honest I don't feel anything for him. I love him as a friend. My heart belongs to Kacchan, but I need to let him go. Red is the way to go.

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