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It is about 9 PM, a few hours before the firework show would start. Me, Katsuki, and most of the class are on our way to watch the New Years' fireworks at the fair.

I am planning on leaving early because of a "stomachache" and killing myself before the clock strikes 12.

What's the most somewhat peaceful way to die? Jumping off a building.

Yeah, yeah, I know that's terrifying. It's only scary if you face forward, but if you fall backward all you're left with is your thoughts, and a sky full of stars floating away from you.

"Are y'all as excited as I am?!" Red— I mean Kirishima ask the group.

"Hell yeah!" Denki, Mina, Kirishima, and Sero yell out in unison. They look to me and Katsuki to see our reaction. Kacchan doesn't care, and I feel a bit anxious. Knowing that in a few hours I'll be dead doesn't really put me at ease. I show off a weak smile to them.

Denki and Kirishima have been avoiding eye contact with Katsuki and me all night. I kind of hoped this night to be enjoyable, but I guess that won't happen. Actually, no. I'm going to fucking enjoy my last night alive.

I place my hand by Kacchans ear and whisper, "Let's hang out just me and you."

He nods his head in agreement. "Me and y/n are going to hang out alone. We'll catch up with y'all later." He takes my hand, and we walk off together.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

We ended up playing a bunch of fair games and going on a few rides. Me and Katsuki are eating caramel apples when I hear a few loud explosions go off. My first thought was that Kacchan got upset, but these explosions weren't his. He was still working on his sweet treat. I look into the sky to see the beautiful blue and green sparkles.

'#2, check.'

I check my phone for the time is and it reads 11:45. They started the show early. I should start heading out now before it gets any later. "Hey, Katsuki. I think that caramel apple did some damage. I'm getting a really bad stomachache. I think I'm gonna go back to the dorms."

"I'll go back with you then." He grabs my hand and begins to lead us back to the dormitory.


I pull back and let go. "No, it's okay." I profusely shake my hands. "I don't want to ruin your night. You should go catch up with your friends."

"Are you sure?" He questions me. He seems a bit suspicious of me.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I'll spend New Year with Phantom." A lie.

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