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Worlds Best Mom
Hi, honey.
How are you?

hii ms. mitsuki
i'm good and you ?

Worlds Best Mom
I'm fine, dear.
Masaru and I thought it'd be
fun to have a family game night.
Would you and Katsuki please
join us?

absolutely !

Worlds Best Mom
See you at 5.
Actually would you kids like to

i would luv to !

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Third Person POV:

"Good morning, Mr. Aizawa." Y/n greets her sleepy teacher.

He leans against his door frame and scratches the black stubble on his face. "Good Morning, y/n." Let's just say he has a bad case of dragon breath.

"Would it be okay for me and Katsuki to use our home visitation days?"

"Yes, give me a second to go get the forms." He shuts his room door for a brief second and then comes out with two packets. "Don't forget you're only allowed 3 home visitation, so after this, you'll both only have 1 left. I would consider using it for Christmas or New Year." He passes off the thick stacks of paper to her.

"I know, sir. Thank you."

"And this time please don't take longer than an hour to turn them in." He yawns through the last part.

"Will do, sir!" She runs off joyfully.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧


"UNO OUT!" Katsuki yells out as the rest of us groan out of frustration. We all angrily throw our cards against the dining table. "Suck it losers." He throws his hands up to celebrate when I notice something peeking out of his sleeve.

"Kacchan what's that?" I point at his arm.

"What's what?" He's a good actor, but he looks a bit suspicious.

"That in your sleeve." I stand up to take a better look.

"You're imagining things." He brushes me off and goes to shuffle the cards.

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