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Me and Katsuki were supposed to go back to the dorms yesterday, but we thought it'd be more fun to stay at his house again.

It was about 8 AM and Katsukis mother made us breakfast before her and her husband left to go to work. I finished eating before Kacchan, so I went to his bathroom to shower.

I drop my clothes and start the water. My eyes glance to the mirror and something catches my eye. Red/purple love bites covered my skin. Between my breast, a little heart is made out of burgundy. I trace my finger over it and remember the warm feeling of his mouth.

I step into the shower and lukewarm water hits my body. After a couple of minutes, I hear a knock at the door.

"Yes, Katsuki?"

He comes in. "Do you want to save some water?"

'What the fuck does he mean?'

"Uh, sure." I hear the sound of clothes dropping. I peek through the shower curtains, Katsuki pushes me back in, and joins me.

"What are you doing?" I exclaim and try my best to not look down at his private part.

"Saving water, duh." He turns up the water heat until steam forms, and wet his whole head of hair. He grabs his shower loofah and starts to scrub his muscular body, which the soapy water complimented. As he rinses off his skin, he looks straight out of a painting. All I could do was stare.

'He looks so fucking hot.'

"Got a staring problem?" He smirks at me. The combination of his naked body, his smile, his words, and our location caused my face to get hot and feel a little shy.

My eyes flicker to my feet and gave him my back. "No. Of course not." I said softly. I amuse myself by playing with my fingers.

"Tch." He releases and turns me towards him. "You're acting timid. You've never acted like this before with me."

I lose eye contact. "What could you ever mean?" I brush my hair back and pull it over my breast. I went back to fingers.

"You're acting like you didn't have sex with me, your best friend, yesterday." He steps closer to me.

"Am not!" I stuck my tongue out him and blew a raspberry.

He grabs my tongue, stopping it mid-blow. "I miss how your tongue feels against my dick." He lets go and chuckles a bit.

"Shut the fuck up, Bakuhoe." I whisper to myself.

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