Ending 2

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Katsuki Bakugo POV:

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Katsuki Bakugo POV:

"NO! I refuse to let this be the end." I grunt as I try to pull her up.

"Please. Just let go."

I ignore her comment, but a memory comes to me. Why now out of all times?

It was from when we went to that little cafe at the beginning of the month.

"You're my best friend, dumbass. I know everything about you." My cheeks had a small tint.

"Aw, you love me." Her comment made me blush harder.

"No, I don't." I quickly defended myself with a lie.

"The love letters you wrote me from when we were 9 say otherwise." She teased and stuck her tongue out at me.

"You said you wouldn't bring those up anymore!" I grunted through my teeth.

She held my finger up, signaling for me to hold on while she pulled out her phone.

"Bingo!" She cleared her throat. "My dear y/n-chan-"

"What are you doing?!" I yelled knowing exactly what her intentions were. I tried reaching over the table to snatch her phone, but she pulled away to where I couldn't get to her.

"...I love you with allllll my heart, and when-"

"Shut it, you shitty girl!" I continued to struggle.

"...We are big kids at U.A. I promise to make you my girlfriend-"

"IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Everyone in the cafe stared in confusion.

She laughed and continued. "... And marry you and have little baby Bakugos with yo-"

The memory fades.

'I need to keep my promise.'

Suddenly, I have an overwhelming feeling of adrenaline. I keep on pulling, and luckily, I manage to pull her over.

Once I get her over she tries to jump off again. I wrap my arms around her waist and cling onto her before she can meet the ledge. I'm not going to lose her.

She falls onto her knees and cries out. "I don't want to be here anymore, Katsuki!" Trying her best to hold back her tears, but one escapes. I let go of her to try and comfort her properly, but she gets back up and attempts to jump off of the building, once again. I grab her from behind before she can. I put her over my shoulder as she kicks and screams. She punches my back as hard as she can to get away from me.

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