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Katsuki Bakugo POV:

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Katsuki Bakugo POV:

As much as I didn't want her to she finally slips through my hand. "Y/N!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs while I watch her fall.


Her smile stayed plastered throughout her fall. The thud of her body sent me into a panic. "NO! She can't be gone!" I dash into the elevator. I repeatedly click the ground-level button until the doors close.

'Why couldn't I have been strong enough to save her?'

I run my fingers through my hair and wish this was all a bad dream— a nightmare.

The muffled sounds of the fireworks were no help. The feelings of perturbation and nausea took over my body, plus I break out into a cold sweat. My arms squeeze over my stomach as I try to hold down my food contents.

The thought of her body hitting the ground and the smile that she gave me run through my mind. It's all I can think about.

My stomach couldn't take it anymore. I throw up in the corner of the elevator. The sensation of getting everything out was somewhat pleasing. I wipe my mouth with the bottom of my shirt.

The elevator doors open oh so slowly. "Y/N!" I run to her body and fall onto my knees. She's surrounded by a pool of her own blood. She managed to close her eyes before the impact, but somehow she still had her smile. She looks so cold and lifeless, yet so at ease.

A memory from early this month comes back to me. We were at that little cafe when we had a memorable conversation.

"You're my best friend, dumbass. I know everything about you." My cheeks had a small tint.

"Aw, you love me." Her comment made me blush harder.

"No, I don't." I quickly defended myself with a lie.

"The love letters you wrote me from when we were 9 say otherwise." She teased and stuck her tongue out at me.

"You said you wouldn't bring those up anymore!" I grunted through my teeth.

She held my finger up, signaling for me to hold on while she pulled out her phone.

"Bingo!" She cleared her throat. "My dear y/n-chan-"

"What are you doing?!" I yelled knowing exactly what her intentions were. I tried reaching over the table to snatch her phone, but she pulled away to where I couldn't get to her.

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