Chapter 21: House of the Devil

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Ever since the Black Hood made that call Archie and Veronica would make out wherever they went. Including his bedroom, when I was home. I would find any reason to leave the house. I now stood in the newspaper room with Jughead, Betty, Veronica, and Archie.

"So the reason we called you guys in here," Betty began.

"My dad is getting out of jail," Jughead informed us.

"That's amazing," I cheered.

"Jug, that's...That's great," Archie said.

"Yeah, what heralded this miracle?" Veronica asked.

"Uh, overcrowding at the jail," Jughead explained. "I guess the judge reviewed my dad's case and after Cheryl's testimony, It was...A perfect storm."

"What do you need from us, Jug?" Archie asked.

"Both of us. We have a new lead on the Black Hood case," Betty informed. "And I was wondering if you would follow up on it for us."

"But only if Dani didn't do yesterday," Jughead mentioned. "When I asked her to check out this house in Fox Forest."

"Did you go alone?" Archie asked. "After-"

"Sweet Pea helped," I answered. "I can have him send all the pictures he took, and send them to you...Or I will print out all the pictures and send them over to Veronica and Archie to investigate."

"Nice work Rosa Diaz," Jughead complimented.

"I can give you all the articles," Betty added.

"It's just that I have to be there for my dad," Jughead insisted.

"And uh, yeah, I'm taking a break from the Black Hood," Betty added.

"Wait, so you want us to be you three?" Veronica questioned.

"Essentially, yes," Jughead answered. "Why, is there a problem with that?"

"And where will Dani be during all this?" Archie asked.

"Working trying to figure out who is behind that voice on the phone," Betty answered. "With Sweet Pea, I assume since you brought him into this."

"I said he didn't have to come," I pointed out. "But you know how he is."


Later I was at the Whyte Wyrm with Jughead, so he can give his announcement. The other Serpents were mad at me for learning how to fight better, but not mad enough to kick me out of the Whyte Wyrm. I sat at a table with Toni.

" I have an announcement to make," Jughead announced. "My dad's getting out." Everyone cheered and clapped, some even whistled. "And when he does, I'll bring up to speed about our plans with Mayor McCoy."

"That's brilliant," Tall Boy stated as he slammed his drink down.

"Do you have a problem with that, Tall Boy?" Jughead asked.

"Your old man? No," Tall Boy answered as he got up and made his way over to Jughead. "I got no problem with him. But you want us to sit down with the Mayor."

"I do," Jughead confirmed. "He's right. I think we can bring the Southside back. But it's going to take work and it's going to take compromise."

"Bring the Southside back," tall Boy laughed. "You've been here all of five minutes."

"Tall Boy, I am sick of you acting like a little bitch," Jughead said. "Whispering behind my back that I'm half a Serpent or I don't belong here. Why don't we put it to a vote? If you guys think what I'm doing is wrong, I'll step aside."

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