Chapter 43: Outbreak

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(Dani's POV)

I had returned to school, at the moment I and Cheryl were leading the Vixens down the hallway in our uniforms. We were preparing the annual prep rally. Everyone watched us own the hallway, blowing kisses to anyone. I blew a kiss and winked to where Fangs, Sweet Pea, and Carson were. Toni, Cheryl, and the boys knew it was to Sweet Pea while the rest thought it was for Carson. Sweet Pea chuckled as Fangs and Carson laughed, I giggled as Toni nudged me and she and Cheryl moved their eyebrows. I continued down the hallway, suddenly everything went back. 

(Cheryl's POV) 

I turned around and to my horror all of my vixens were down, having seizures. I let out a ain't scream of horror. 

"Help!" I cried as I ran to my TT's side, Kevin went to Veronica's side, and Sweet Pea and Valerie Brown went to Dani's side. "Help us. Somebody help!"


(Dani's POV)

I opened my eyes to find myself in my room in Mom's house, I got up and slowly made my way downstairs. 

"Mom?" I called out. 

"Dani?" Mom asked as she walked into view, I then saw Dad come up behind her. "What are you doing out of bed?" 

"What am I doing here?" I asked. 

"You had a seizure at school today," Dad answered as we walked into the kitchen. "Sweet Pea brought you home as soon as Weatherbee called." 

"What?" I asked taken back. 

"All the Vixens, but Cheryl had one at the same time," Dad answered. "You should be back in bed resting." 

"Exactly what I was going to say," Mom agreed. 

"All of us?" I asked. 

"Yeah," Dad nodded. "How are you feeling?" 

"Okay," I answered. 

"Would you like any tea? Soup?" Mom asked. 

"Tea please," I answered as I walked over to the living room and sat on the couch. After getting some tea, I put on my Pop's uniform to go do a shift. 

"Are you sure you can handle a shift today?" Dad asked. 

"Dani, sweetheart, I think you should go back to bed and take it easy for the rest of the day," Mom said. 

"You guys, I'm fine. I can handle a simple shift," I answered. "If I'm feeling bad I'll come home or take refugee in the Speakeasy." I then left, when I got there I saw Reggie and Veronica just sitting down, they looked over to me. 

"Dani!" Reggie gasped, he got up and tackled me into a hug. 

"How are you feeling?" Veronica asked as she got the next hug. 

"Fine," I stated. "How are you feeling?" We then heard the bell ring again, we saw Sweet Pea enter the diner. He then saw me, walked up to me, and gave me the biggest hug. 

"Thank god, you're ok," Sweet Pea said. "How are you feeling?" 

"I'm fine," I answered. "Anyways Veronica, how are you?" 

"I'm fine, but I got a lot to spill," veronica said. Soon we all sat down at a booth together and she told us everything. "My parents are up to something, Reggie, Sweet Pea, and Dani. I mean they're always up to something, but they tried to banish me to New York, which is a new one for them. It's like they don't want me around for whatever's coming next." The door opened and the ROTC came in laughing their asses off. 

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