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"Donna, it's time to go Mother is expecting us"

Your voice pulled your sister from her trance with a start, she turned to look at you, her scarred face on display. "Oh [Y/n] it's time already?" a hint of confusion could be heard in her voice.

A sad smile graced your lips as you nodded. "Well give me a minute to get ready and I'll be down there." she said her voice barely a whisper as she stood moving away from the broken vanity.

With that you took your leave the memory of the dead look in her eyes as she stared into the mirror playing on loop. Your fists clenched nails digging  into your palms painfully as you left to find Angie.


Donna clung to your arm as you both approached the church, a shaky sigh leaving your lips, dread filling you while you prepared for whatever Mother had prepared to put you through today.

The both of you finally entered, the doors creaking. Immediately loud talking could be heard muffling your footsteps. "How pleasant." you bit out making Donna squeeze your arm as a reminder to behave and hold your tongue.

Mother Miranda's voice suddenly rang through the halls making you flinch at the angry tone in her voice momentarily halting your footsteps.

Finally the main room came into view along with the harsh smell of tobacco, the first thing you saw was a tall woman who seemed to be well dressed yelling at a scruffy looking man who was significantly shorter.

"Oh great! Psycho doll bitch got a new toy, I guess one doll wasn't enough!" The man said while dramatically throwing his arms up.

A copper tang fills your mouth from your attempt to silence yourself as you bite your tongue blood quickly pooling in your mouth. Thankfully it worked and you didn't respond to the comment as your sister guided you to her seat where a similar chair sat beside it.

A scoff was heard as you sat gripping your sister's hand as you tried to ignore the woman standing next to you.

"That's obviously not a doll, only a man-thing like you would make that mistake."

"Fight!" Angie cheered from Donna's arms.

Scanning the room one last time you noticed a mutated man nervously standing close to Mother, you caught his gaze and gave him a small smile as you nodded your head in greeting. His mood seemed to drastically improve from the small acknowledgement.


Subconsciously you sat straighter as Mother yelled silencing the entire room and the fight that was sure to ensue.

"I will not have you bickering in front of your new sibling. This is [Y/n] Beneviento and I expect you all to treat him with respect as he is very important to me."

Dimitrescu looked at you intrigued as she desperately wished to know what made the powerful woman think of you as important while Heisenberg simply glared in your direction as he tried his best to read you, gritting his teeth at the thought of Miranda having another weapon in her arsenal. You simply nodded seemingly composed while your mind struggled to keep all your snide comments at bay to not upset Mother again.

"I am pleased to meet you all." a plastic smile engraved on your face when you addressed the lords in front of you pleasing Miranda.

"Great another stuck up bitch."

Your eyebrows twitched in annoyance as you contemplated how important he was, already planning his murder.

"At least he's better behaved than you- idiotic man-child!"

Angie giggled, deciding now would be a good time to put her provoking skills to the test. "Haha idiotic man-child, what are you gonna do now run back to mommy with your tail between your legs?"

This struck a nerve as a hammer was pulled into his hand shocking you for a moment. "That's it creepy doll, you're done for!" he yelled while swinging the hammer. Quickly you moved in the way stopping the blow, an icy glare being sent Heisenberg's way, a glare he happily returned. "I would appreciate you not attacking my sister." venom dripped as you spoke.

You smiled threateningly as you pushed his hammer to the ground, knocking it from his hands, stunning everyone in the room.

"Thank you [Y/n], helpful as always."

With that Heisenberg stormed out hammer in hand as profanities flew past his lips.

The Metal Doll || Karl Heisenberg x Male Reader Fanfic ||Where stories live. Discover now