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You were panting as you climbed through the open window a scowl on your face as you gripped the knife in your hand harder. In a not so graceful manner you landed on your feet stumbling slightly before you regained your footing. Your heavy footsteps echoed through the halls as you made your way into the kitchen ready to fight Heisenberg only to pause as you saw Donna smiling while he played with Angie.

A sigh left your mouth, I'll let it slide this once, you thought as you set the knife down on the counter drawing everyone's attention.

"[Y/n] I was starting to worry, what took you so long." your sister stood quickly coming to you before she pulled a few leaves from your hair.

"The door must have accidently locked, it's nothing." you shot a glare to a smirking Heisenberg who removed his hat and glasses.

Your attention was back to your sister as she grabbed your hands in hers, "Now then how about we dig into those pastries." Angie seemed to like that idea as she quickly jumped up and ran to get plates out. She returned with three plates quickly setting one in front of Karl, Donna, and herself.

Heisenberg arched a brow confused as he itched to know why she needed you but in the end he chose not to question it knowing you'll tell him soon enough. That or he'll question you when you both are alone.

You dished them up before removing your now dirty apron. The clock on the wall showed it was nearing the time you would need to head to Moreau's, you didn't want to leave knowing that only pain and suffering would be the only thing to greet you. A sigh left your lips.


"Hmm?" he hummed in response, only half paying attention as Angie was showing him one of her favorite toys. "I apologize but it seems your visit must cut short, Donna and Angie need to go to bed and I need to step out. Mother needs me."

His attention was on you as he cringed at the mention of Miranda.

"I can clean up while you're out and wait till you return." he mumbled as he rolled an unlit cigar between his pointer finger and thumb.

You still didn't fully trust the man but in the end you gave in not wanting Donna to be completely alone in case she had a nightmare or something else happened when you were out. Unease always filled you when you two were apart, you knew she was physically able to defend herself but mentally she wasn't all there the majority of the time and that scares you. The last thing you would want is harm to come to your sister.

With that you reluctantly hugged your sister goodbye, awkwardly you waved to Heisenberg and you were gone, nothing but the lycans and the cold as company.


You grimaced as your shoes and socks were damp, you made it to Moreau's domain with no problems but now you were dealing with the unpleasant dampness that the fish Lords domain provided. A part of you felt bad for the isolated man, it couldn't be fun or healthy spending all this time alone.

Thoughts of Heisenberg suddenly appeared, you wondered how he must cope with the constant loneliness he himself must feel always isolated in his factory with nothing but his machines and piles of scrap. You found yourself feeling bad for the moody man.

You stood yourself as you pictured his smile, the way his baby blue eyes seemed to shimmer as he looked at you the harsh edge his face always heard softened for you-

The fluttering of your heart confused you, shocked you gripped the front of your shirt bunching under your palm. Your face was hot, you raised a hand and was shocked to feel the sudden increase in temperature.

You must be sick, you concluded, you would need to check on that when you got home to Donna.

Finally you arrived, you were greeted by the sight of a lycan carcass strapped to a medical table, there were three other bodies in the room, the one that struck a nerve however was a young girl who looked disturbingly familiar to your younger sister. All the bodies were mutilated or deformed in one way or another; one even had a black fungus growing.

A part of you knew you should be disgusted, repulsed even at the sight but you felt nothing as you looked at the cadavers. Then again years of exposure to such horrific things have numbed you. It almost felt normal to see such monstrosities.

"[Y/n]!" the disturbing voice of Moreau rang out catching your attention, turning you looked at the shorter man with a smile plastered to your face. Moreau seemed giddy to see you, he was in fact overjoyed to spend time with you.

"Hello Lord Moreau. I'm glad to be visiting your domain, it's very lovely." lies you thought as you noticed Miranda entering behind him.

Her expression- disturbed you, more than her face usually did. She seemed to be happy as she wore a smile but something was off her eyes glinted with a malice that made your blood run cold. "[Y/n] I'm so glad you made it, Moreau here has been working day and night and he thinks he finally found it." her hands rested on the man's shoulders, fake love dripping from her tone.

"What did he find?" you were nervous and you subconsciously took a step back making her eyes squint. "The cure [Y/n], I'll finally get to access all that beautiful power locked away. Once I get that- Eva will finally be within my grasp."

Her hand caressed your face before her talon like nails digged into your cheek making you flinch as red oozed down the side of your face, "You understand what this means to me. Don't you?" you were treading dangerous water as you saw the threatening glare in her eyes behind her mask. Hesitantly you nodded your head.

You gulped as you heard buckles latch, you were being restrained to a, thankfully, clean medical table. The anxiety made the hair on your arms stand on end as Moreau walked around digging through his desk before pulling out a needle filled with a thick black liquid that seemed to move.

Knowing their was no way you were getting out of this alive you closed your eyes cursing Moreau and Miranda, they could both go fuck themselves.

Flinching as you felt the cold needle break the skin before the liquid was pushed beneath the skin in your right arm. At first it was fine. You relaxed and a sigh of relief left your lips along with a nervous laugh. The momentary relief was short lived as a burning sensation appeared. It started out dull but quickly it was spreading, soon it felt like your entire body was on fire. A cry left your lips as tears streamed from your eyes without permission, you thrashed around desperate for anything to stop the blinding pain.

The veins in your neck strained as you clenched your jaw trying to silence yourself, blood pooled in your mouth before it was forcefully pried open and the taste of leather filled your mouth.

"Ca-- -av- y-u r--nin- th-ose t--th."

Everything around you was muffled as a ringing filled your ears.

Black spots appeared in your vision and before the darkness gripped you a silent plea ran through your mind hoping for Donna would get out of this cursed town in case you never did.

The Metal Doll || Karl Heisenberg x Male Reader Fanfic ||Where stories live. Discover now