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Everything was cold, your limbs felt heavy and your clothes stuck to your skin. A calm haze overcame your mind and you enjoyed it, you felt euphoric even, happy. It was strange and it felt out of place but you reveled in the slight tingling sensation that ran through your veins. You felt drunk almost, drunk on what? You couldn't say.

This moment was sadly short lived as a chuckle was heard beside you, the memories from the previous day returned and you jolted upward, the restraints were still in place however holding you down, something wasn't right-

"Amazing isn't it? I know you can feel it, all that power surging through you. It's still a shame that you wouldn't work as a vessel though. You and your sister were always promising I always had high hopes for the both of you since the beginning. Sadly you both failed to meet my expectations, until now."

You eyed her as she walked over to you, a chair screeched across the floor as she sat beside you. Gently she began caressing your face. The touch was soft and would be welcomed if it was from anyone but her. When the gesture came from her it was the farthest thing from comforting and made you fill with anxiety and rightfully so as the same hand that rested on your cheek was previously gouging into it marking your skin.

Her eyes shone as she grabbed a nearby miniature mirror before holding it up to your face, it was spotless the gauge she made with her nails earlier was gone.
"Isn't that amazing, you healed quickly, quicker than any of your siblings." her fingers carded through your hair gently.
"You're finally perfect. Well almost. Sadly not all of you survived but you'll be just fine. After all, I just need your beautiful brain."

You knew it, something was wrong. Jerking upward suddenly you rattled the cuffs holding your wrists. That's when you paled as you registered the fact that only one of the cuffs made noise following your movement. Looking at your right arm your face paled, resting next to you was your arm, your decapitated arm. It was mutated like the bodies that laid on the other tables, black fungus grew all over it a few spots oozing a mystery fluid.

You wanted to scream but you couldn't, you felt weak, weaker than you've ever felt before. Even holding your head up proved difficult as it soon fell back to the table, your muscles giving out. At this moment you felt like one of Donna's many dolls. You hated it.

"Awh, poor thing." she cooed "don't worry I'm sure your strength will find you once again just give it time, my child."

You didn't want this, you never did and yet here you were another pawn Miranda controlled and broke as she saw fit.

A part of you wanted to cry but a larger part of you held back from shedding long overdue tears, you refused to give this woman the satisfaction of watching you fall apart just like she wanted.

"Now then!" she exclaimed happily as she stood, towering over you. "I'll have to go fetch something to help you regain your strength. I can't wait to test every last one of your abilities." her eyes gleamed with ill intent as she studied your face once again reveling in the slight glint of fear that you tried oh so hard to hide from her.

Satisfied with your state she turned and sauntered out of the gruesome room leaving you behind and alone with the cadavers.

Finally you allowed yourself to panic, desperately you pulled on the cuff securing your arm, you were not thrilled to learn what gruesome trials she would put you through to get the results she wanted. Soon the metal broke on a particularly hard pull, you were shocked at the sudden strength but you didn't have time to dwell on it. Sitting up you moved and ripped the cuffs around your ankles which broke just as easily. You stood up still shaky and hurting but you forced yourself to move, knowing if you stayed you would be in a lot worse pain.

One step at a time you moved out of the building and through the wet domain. It felt as if you pulled every muscle in your body at once and every time the pain subsided it flared up again worse and worse.

Thankfully you made it past the gates and we're now trudging through the forest, it was day now. The sunlight blinded you, your eyes felt sensitive and every smell, touch, noise caused your head to throb. This was hell you concluded just as you fell in the dirt due to a particularly bad flood of pain. Pathetic whines left your lips as you curled into a ball scrunching your eyes closed as you covered your ears, everything becoming too much.

The crunching of leaves sent your mind into panic mode, she was back. At least that's what you thought.

Soon the footsteps stopped by your head.

"Shit, what happened to you doll?"


Despite your relief you couldn't help but cringe at the sudden noise. He was silent as he picked you up, every touch against your skin felt like a hot price of metal burning you. Sinking your teeth into your lower lip you struggled to silence your agonized screams as Heisenberg moved every time he took a step your skin rubbed against his jacket reigniting the unpleasant burning sensation and making every nerve in your body ignite and scream in protest. Your mind screamed at you to push away the unpleasant sensation but you forced yourself to instead cling to the man carrying you, knowing it was either him or Miranda and that was an obvious answer.

You noted the change when the sunlight seemed to dim no longer tormenting you.

Gently Heisenberg set you down, you felt immediate relief as you were placed on something soft and cool. You cringed with every step he took away from you, suddenly the lights were off and you were shroud in darkness, a welcome darkness.

In time your senses seemed to calm however your body didn't seem to get the memo as it continued to flare in pain.

The pain was unbearable but somehow you managed and took it in strides, after a while you found yourself able to move with only a slight throbbing in your joints. Taking advantage of the short lived relief you moved into a somewhat comfortable position before the pain returned making a choked gasp leave you.

You just wanted this hell to end.

The Metal Doll || Karl Heisenberg x Male Reader Fanfic ||Where stories live. Discover now