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Just pulled another chapter from my manic brain 💅 enjoy not really edited so beware. Also we bouta have hella drama and some plot growth after this so let's go 👏👏👏 I'm excited!


Needless to say you didn't like dodgeball, you threw yourself down on the floor in front of the couch not wishing to deal with the stiff furniture. All your joints ache and your limbs felt like jelly. Heisenberg had you try everything but nothing seems different. The only thing that has changed was your regeneration ability. That was your least favorite test. Heisenberg had sliced a clean line down the middle of your hand bandages ready, the both of you had watched as the skin pulled together merging till nothing more than a small thin pale line stayed. As you studied your hand in front of you the white line was absent.

You let your eyes trail further up your arm only to see other scars remaining littering your arms every one linked to memories you would rather forget- except for one. A small line running along your thumb- you had received that scar the first time you and Donna had to cook dinner for yourselves at the ripe age or 10 years old. You were cutting up some vegetables for a stew that had turned out terrible when Angie ran past knocking into the chair you stood on, still being too short to reach the counter. The cut barely made you flinch but the sight of the blood was enough to leave you queasy and crying out for your twin.

She was there almost instantly comforting you as she did her best to dress the small wound. You still remembered the way you had cried that night terrified that your finger was going to fall off, you had slept with Donna that night. The both of you had fallen asleep on the comfortable sofas in your living room.

God you missed your sister.

You shifted on the floor wincing as a pulled muscle in your leg shot pain through your body. "Fuck me." you had muttered "I'll pass." you heard Heisenberg making you spin around to face him only to hiss again your body protesting any movement. "Hold on idiot- STOP moving."

Finally after much struggling Heisenberg huffed- you were sitting upright on his bed as he dug around his room before pulling out an assortment of stained clothing and throwing them on the bed next to you. "Bath-" he said pointing to the bathroom "Clothes-" he gestured to the pile of clothes "Should have dinner done by then and after that you're going to bed." you scoffed standing up your back held straight in hopes to lessen the pain from your overworked muscles. "I'm not a toddler." you shot as you limped away from the man. "Whatever you say little man." Heisenberg teased laughing as you stormed off your pace faster.

The lights in the bathroom were already on and a warm bath was already drawn filled with bubbles and a rubber ducky to add insult to injury "Fuck him." you said quickly ditching the tortured clothes barely clinging to your figure. You had to give it to Heisenberg other than your palm. The man didn't nick you once, he came close multiple times but he never drew blood or knocked you around too badly. Nothing past what was necessary or accidental.

That thought alone brought a sad smile to your lips.

The heat from the bath wrapped around your limbs and it felt like heaven to you. A long sigh left your lips and despite your dislike for the rubber ducky you found yourself picking up the plastic toy that looked familiar. Weird- you thought turning it over only to find your initials carved on the bottom of the thing. As you inspected the toy it started looking more and more familiar. Despite what you thought the toy wasn't a plain one but instead the base was covered in intricate carvings. Alongside that the material the toy was made of was far from plastic like traditional rubber duckies this one was made from the same material your father used to make dolls from. The same materials that Donna used now.

You laughed in astonishment, it was one of you and your sisters old toys- you could have sworn the darn thing was lost when you had dropped it into the lake near your and your sisters home. Turns out it had ended up here.

Once the water had started to chill and your fingers wrinkle you stood up letting some of the water drain off your body taking the grime of the day with it. The tile was cold against your bare feet and you quickly reached for the towel set on the counter that Heisenberg must have set there while drawing the bath. You shook your hair out with the towel before wrapping it around yourself.

The factory was warm, something that differed from your own home. In a way you found the factory becoming more of a home to you than any other place had been after your parent's untimely demise; the only thing it was missing was Donna. However it seemed you cuoldnt win either way you thought pulling the shirt left for you over your head. If you were back with Donna you would be missing Heisenberg, you had paused the pants left for you around your hips.

Would you really be missing him right now if you were home with your sister?

"What are you doin' daydreaming? Thought yer were hungry."

Heisenberg chuckled as he leaned against the doorway to his room, his hat and glasses discarded exposing those baby blue eyes again. "I am, idiot. I was just thinking that's all." he scoffed, pushing off the wall before standing in front of you hooking his finger under the front of your shirt's collar before pulling it forward. You gasped out, face flushing instantly as a look of shock overcame your face. "What's got you thinin' so hard you put your shirt on backwards?"

Pulling away the shirt fell back against you and he was right, it was on backwards. "Things-" you mumbled looking anywhere but his face embarrassed to be found lost in your thoughts. 

He chuckled letting go of the shirt before stalking off to the door his back to you "Well maybe fix the shirt and join me for dinner. If you're too slow I might just eat it all!" He called, "Hey- asshole." quickly you pulled your arms into the top turning it and chasing after the man before catching up and passing him. "Maybe you better hurry up, old man!" you yelled laughing as you heard his heavy footsteps speed up.

"I'm not old!"

The both of you ran through the halls Heisenberg was still behind you when the kitchen came into sight and you booked it just as Heisenberg neared you leaving him behind. Just as you were about to step foot into the room, hands found your waist lifting you off your feet before you were held to his chest, a laughing mess. "Who's old now!" be barked out laughing as he held you hostage.

Breathing heavily you looked up admiring the smile on his face, only then did you realize how close both of your faces truly were to each other. Slowly his wide smile turned to a fond grin that had you melting "Asshole." you muttered. "You cheated." you breathed out "Worth it if i get to hold you like this." he said smugly and for once you could deal with his cockiness if it meant you could steal more of his warmth and stay in that moment.


Just like that the both of you were pulled from your own world as reality came stomping through the factory- wearing heels and seeking vengeance.

The Metal Doll || Karl Heisenberg x Male Reader Fanfic ||Where stories live. Discover now