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Double update! Let's go mother duckers!

Also in case you missed it, made minor changes to chapter nine just further explaining [Y/n] and Anabelle's relationship and making them childhood friends for plot reasons.

You laid on the sofa till your back was sore and your hips felt stiff as cardboard. The clock told you it was well past noon. That only worried you further as you've not seen or heard from Heisenberg at all since he had shut himself in his room. Doing heaven knows what behind closed doors.

Betrayal was what you felt as silly as it was. Heisenberg had shut you out, metaphorically and literally all at once. The feelings welling in your gut left you with a sour, unpleasant taste in your mouth. One more tick of the clock and you were sitting up a determined scowl on your face.

"Fuck Heisenberg," you muttered cursing out the man while standing. Your joints scream in protest the ligaments popping into place one at a time leaving a dull ache in your bones. Taking a step forward you winced slightly before straightening your posture, a stubborn and determined look adorning your face.

"I don't need him. Donna and I were fine without him before we met, nothings changed."


Biting back your own thoughts of doubt, you set off, storming through the factory on a mission.

A mission to get away from the mutant man slowly corrupting your every waking thought you had. Filling your head with baby blue eyes and an ever slightly crooked smile.

You made your way toward the main entrance, pretending not to notice the way the metal of the building creaked the closer you got to the exit. The way your arm had lightly pulled, trying to drag you back into the warm safety of Heisenberg's home.

Your home-

You pushed everything to the back of your mind, subduing anything holding you back until cold air hit your face. Sunlight made you cringe back as it hit your sensitive retinas that had grown accustomed to the dim lighting of the workshop. Now you knew why Heisenberg always wore those damn glasses; his name is bitter even in your thoughts.

The wind felt colder on your skin as you walked away from the factory– away from Heisenberg. Crunching was the only thing you could hear as your feet met with the path below you. Only one thing was running through your mind– Anabelle. She would know what to do, at the end of the day no matter how different your lives were she was your only friend. The only one you could truly lean on without the fear of any sort of backlash.

As the small village came into view, the trees thinning your pace sped up. Familiar shops whizzed by you until one stall, in particular, had you stopping.

Everything was as it had been the last time you were there, the only thing missing was Anabelle. Strange, you thought peering around thinking a crate might have been hiding her as she helped a customer. However, you had no luck in finding her. She was simply not there.

Was she sick? She wasn't one to skip out on work. Not with money already so tight for her– for everyone in the village.

"You looking for Anabelle?" a deep voice asked from behind you. Turning you sought out the owner of the voice. Your eyes landed on a rather young-looking man that easily towered over you with sandy blond hair. You recognized him, he was a common face in the marketplace. He delivered produce for The Duke if you remembered correctly, his name seemed foreign to you, however.

"I am," you stated taking a few steps back from the man, he was too close. "You're out of luck then," he sighed shaking his head, a mournful expression on his face "Madam Alcina came down 'ere earlier. Grabbed the poor girl and dragged 'er back to that big castle she lives in."

Your breath hitched, face going pale. "Alcina?" the nod the stranger gave had your heart sinking, chest going tight.

You were no fool, Alcina was cruel but clever. Already you could picture the way she was sitting up in her mansion. A look of victory curled on her ageless face as she swirled man-made wine in a crystal glass awaiting your arrival as you came in search of your only friend.

"Thank you-" you muttered, feet already moving as you ran down the cobbled streets. "'Er welcome!" You heard in the distance as you dodged between people your feet carrying you as fast as you could.

Desperate was how you would describe yourself at that moment. You were practically shaking as Lady Dimitrescu's home came into view, flashes of all the people you have lost replaying in your mind.

Never again would you let that list grow, you had promised yourself that years ago.

As the heavy door to hell sat in front of your face you gritted your teeth determination and adrenaline pulsing through your veins.

Pushing forward, you made your way into the once beautiful mansion bellowing out "Alcina," at the top of your lungs. Heisenberg seemed to be affecting you more than you thought he had as your voice came out loud. Much louder than you have ever shouted before. Your hands balled into fists an ugly sneer twisting your face.

Alcina had gone too far, and by the smirk on her face, as she descended the stairs, she knew exactly what she had done. Anabelle was behind her, practically being dragged down the stairs by a metal chain wrapped around Alcina's palm. Brown desperate eyes met yours, the pleading in them going straight to your tightening chest.

"Oh, [Y/n]," she purred tugging Anabelle forward, making her tumble down a few stairs barely catching herself on the polished railing "What a pleasant surprise. You must be here to meet my new pet."

Alcina was finally on the ground floor, Anabelle awkwardly standing next to the much taller woman. Her face was cupped in between uncomfortably sharp nails.

"She is a real beauty. I get thirsty just looking at her."

"Get your hands off her." you grit out surging forward only to stop as sharp claws danced inches from your eyes "Oh?" Alcina's tone was cold her eyes narrowed like a predator stalking its prey. It made you freeze where you stood the glint from her talons looking unpleasant.

"Who are you to tell me what to do with my pets?"

"She's not your pet." you shot back not even thinking about your response. "Well, from where I see things, she was left unclaimed." Alcina raised Anabelle's arm flashing an angry red brand that was seared into your friend's forearm. One of the Alcina family crest "I fixed that."

Gritting your teeth together you bit down on your tongue stifling your anger. "What do you want from me," you choked out ignoring the way Anabelle's head shook, protesting the words falling from your mouth.

"That's mighty precarious of you, assuming I want something of you." glee shinned behind Alcina's eyes, it made you sick.

"Don't toy with me." the finality of your tone made her face fall into a serious expression. One that made your skin crawl.

"I want...you," Alcina breathed out, releasing her grip on Anabelle's face, letting the woman slacken where she stood "All I've wanted since I laid my eyes on you, was to own you. To hold you in my claws as my own... similar in the way Mother owns you." her claws retracted. Her large open palm now reaching out to you.

"Give me what I want, and Anabelle can be yours and only yours. I promise not to touch a single hair on her pretty little head so long as your mine."

"[Y/n], no!" Anabelle's cries fell on deft ears as your palm weighed down heavy in Alcina's grasp.

"Very well, Alcina."

The weight of your actions sat heavily on your shoulders, it was a suffocating weight that brought you back to your childhood. Yellow eyes stung as they leered at you. Never before had you longed for the color blue as deeply as you craved it now. 

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