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Things should be moving forward with the plot now. Mwahaha now that I have you all hooked on a cute relationship time for the real fun to begin!

Changed a small part in chapter nine, only something to establish a more in-depth relationship with Anabelle and to make you and her childhood friends.

Lights were quick to flicker on, heavy footsteps thudded through the factory that roared to life abruptly. A high-pitched buzzing rang through your ears as unintelligible shouting flooded the area around you.

Everything sounded distorted. Fuzzy.

Rough fingers dragged across your cheek as you were jostled- lifted. You were being lifted.



"Fucking idiot come on! Talk to me here!"


Snapping your eyes to his face you were met with baby blue eyes, your sight clearing suddenly. "I'm not an idiot-" you groaned out watching Heisenberg's worried expression morph into a relieved smile. "Hell." He cursed out his arms flexing around you, holding you close to him.

"What happened?" You questioned looking around. "Some pipes fell. You were almost crushed." Eyes widened as they looked to where you were previously standing in the archway separating the kitchen from the messy living room.

Indeed, it looked as if a part of the ceiling had collapsed a sizable amount of debris covering the ground where you once stood.

Fingers found your chin, wrapping around it gently before tugging your face guiding it back to where you were facing Heisenberg.

Awkwardly you stared at his nose as Heisenberg's eyes assed your damage. He sighed. You jumped as his breath cascaded across your face, the usual stench of tobacco he carried gone now replaced with a strange minty scent.

"You're hurt." He breathed out a thumb swiping over a bloody splotch on your forehead. Bringing your fingers to your face you dabbed a wet spot before pulling your fingers away, they were stained red. "I'll live." You stated, "I've been through worse." You joked waving the metal arm beside your face.

Heisenberg didn't laugh.

He moved with you tucked in his arms. Walking you to a nearby seat. He kicked the wooden chair away from the dining table, setting you down gently. His hands were hesitant to leave your body as if you would fall apart the second he pulled away.

You tried to stand when Heisenberg turned from you, briskly walking to one of the cupboards lining the walls. The metal arm he made for you though had something else to say about your sudden movement as you were suddenly pulled back into the kitchen chair. He returned before you could try to escape again, kneeling in front of you. One of his hands rested on your knee, his eyes looking up at you from his position on the floor. A damp cloth in his hand.

The fabric stung as it made contact with your cut causing you to tense. Heisenberg squeezed your knee reassuringly as he continued to dab away only retreating when the cloth was soaked red.

"You really need to start being more careful." Heisenberg remarked, sliding a plaster onto the hurt area "Patching you up is starting to sound like a poor excuse to touch you. Buttercup."

Heisenberg patted your flushed cheek ignoring the way your eyes seemed to be glued open wide along with your gaping mouth. Finally done patching you up the man stood, walking back over to put away the medical supplies.

"[Y/n] watch out-"

Snapping out of your flustered daze; you remembered the voice that called out for you. "Lucky you didn't get fully crushed," Heisenberg's voice rang through the kitchen "If you were even one step back, might've had to make you a new set of legs."

That voice, it sounded so familiar– so nostalgic.

"Might needa go round checking the rest of the factory for faulty structure. Wouldn't want a repeat of tonight."

You knew who they were, yet your mind proved useless at providing you with a name.

"Maybe, we could go round and fix the place up together?"

Your teeth sank into the pad of your thumb, brows furrowing.

You had to know who she was-

"[Y/n]!" your thumb left your mouth, eyes flying up to Heisenbergs concerned face. His hand was resting against your forehead as he studied your dazed expression "You sure you didn't bang yourself up too bad?" he questioned the concern in his voice genuine.

You scoffed out, pushing his hand away. "I'm sure," he didn't believe you– "I mean it!" you tried again before sighing in defeat as Heisenberg gave you a pointed look one telling you not to lie again.

"Look– before, the pipes fell," you trailed off feeling awkward suddenly under his gaze "a voice sort of yelled for me to watch out and I jumped forward. Thought it was you, but it was a woman's voice."

Heisenberg's face morphed from one of concern to horror in mere seconds. Recognition in his eyes as your story processed in his mind. "You know something," you breathed out. Heisenberg pulled his hand away from you as if your very skin had burned him before he moved away from you all together "You have to tell me!" quickly you stood following Heisenberg's retreating form out of the kitchen. Ignoring the ache in your head.

"I ain't know nothing! It's late, you're tired. You must have just been hearing things." His quick dismissal was anything but unsuspicious "Heisenberg," you bit out as you grabbed his arm halting his movements just as he stood outside his bedroom door "You have to tell me, I need to know."

His baby blue eyes met yours and you could see the conflicted emotions swirling behind them. "I can't," he muttered pulling his arm from you and slamming the door in your face.

You were speechless as you stood on the other side of the door, you were shocked.

Just before the door had slammed, you swore you saw a tear fall from Heisenberg's eye.

Sighing you debated your options. On the one hand, you could continue to harass Heisenberg trying your hardest to get any information from the stubborn man. Or you could go back to the less than comfortable sofa, and sleep it off. Hoping for some strange insight to present itself to you in the morning.

Defeated you trudged back to the couch, doubting that you could manage to break down a door in the state you were in.

You didn't get a wink of sleep as you laid back, staring at the bland ceiling, the memory of the voice replaying over in your head till you felt as if you may go insane. Once the sun rose, you were sure everything would be better. Heisenberg would sit you down and tell you everything, you said to yourself.

You could trust him–

Even though you tried to make yourself believe in Heisenberg, you couldn't help the creeping suspicions that whatever Heisenberg was hiding was serious and would inevitably destroy you and the relationship the both of you had forming.

Whether that be by your hand or another's, only time could tell. 

The Metal Doll || Karl Heisenberg x Male Reader Fanfic ||Where stories live. Discover now