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The dinner was less awkward than you originally thought it would be, this was mostly due to Dimitrescu's daughters who chatted away aimlessly, making the mood light and friendly. Nothing seemed out of place except for the fact that Heisenberg was unusually silent as he glared down at his place occasionally glancing at you. Overall it looked like Donna and Angie were enjoying themselves, this thought brought a small smile to your face.

Satisfied with her meal, the Lady of the house set her utensils down with a loud clatter as she abruptly turned her attention towards you, the overly friendly smile never leaving her pale face.

"So, [Y/n] forgive me but I'm curious as to why Mother kept you a secret for so long? I mean she has to have some special plan in place for you."

Finally it was here the thing you were dreading from the second you meet the Lords, the grilling for information. You understood their curiosity since you would also feel intrigued if Donna one day brought a stranger home claiming him to be family.

"It's actually not that big of a deal, I originally had some problems with the Cadou I received so Mother thought it would be best to work with me in private until I could fully control it. Surely you could understand that she didn't want rumors floating around until she knew I was stable."

What you said wasn't a complete lie and Dimitrescu seemed satisfied with that answer as she moved on to her next line of questioning. "Oh, how dreadful! I'm glad to see you were able to meet Mother's standards. It's definitely refreshing to have more... civil company available." she sent a silent glare to the rugged man who was now watching you almost as if he was studying you.

"Speaking of your Cadou, I'm curious as to what you can do." her eyes shone with curiosity and purpose telling you how important this question was to her.

"Oh, it's nothing much. Let's just say... I can control certain things Mother can not."

Dimitrescu struggled to hide her agitation at your vague answer. "How cryptic." she muttered, mood soured. 

Heisenberg scoffed, finally deciding to join in the conversation. "Of course, Mother Mirandar can't have all of her new toys' secrets out in the open, at least until she's done playing with them."

You felt your sister grab your hand from under the table as the taste of copper filled your mouth, blood pooling quickly on your now bitten tongue. "Heisenberg! I thought we agreed you wouldn't talk like an idiot."

So that's their game, you thought.

Angie giggled, jumping in place as the two lords seemed to be reeling for a fight. Suddenly Heisenberg stood slamming his hands on the table causing his chair to push back with an unpleasant screech.

"Oh please like I would listen to a blood sucking bitch like you. It doesn't matter anyway, he probably can't do shit to us and as soon as we're done with him he's probably gonna go running to mother dearest sobbing and crying begging for her to lick his wounds like a good slave!"


The room was silent except for Angie's loud laughter as blood dripped onto the once clean tablecloth. Heisenberg looked in shock as he saw the knife lodged into the wall by his head before he touched the cut on his ear looking in astonishment at the crimson staining his fingers.

"Oops my bad hand slipped,  want me to call mother? Looks like you got a wound that needs to be licked." venom dripped from your voice as you sneered at the man still standing.

"You!" he roared enraged.

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Kick his ass [Y/n]!" Angie cried as Donna gripped your hand till it was borderline painful trying to will you to calm down and control yourself.

He held his hand out as he tried to will the knife lodged deep in the wall to him, making you smile cockily as you sat back in your chair admiring the confused look that graced his face as nothing happened, the knife staying exactly where you threw it. 

"Are you alright Heisenberg, you seem to be having problems there."

Just as he turned his head to yell at you Donna pulled you from your seat almost making you trip as your wrist popped from the sudden pull, she hurriedly pulled you out of the dining hall, Angie laughing hysterically behind the both of you. "His face!"

You bit your lip as you followed your sister the reality of what you did finally setting in, you were ashamed and enraged as you lost control of yourself. All you could do now was hope that the Lords wouldn't inform mother of this meeting.

A shiver racked through your body at the thought of what would happen if she had somehow learned of your outburst.

After all you and Donna knew more than anyone how Miranda could get when angry.

The door to the Dimitrescu manner closed and the both of you silently walked home not daring to discuss the previous events out of fear that she may be listening.

The wind shook the trees surrounding you and Donna and in front of you fell a beautiful leaf painted in oranges and deep reds. The first leaf of fall had fallen. 

The Metal Doll || Karl Heisenberg x Male Reader Fanfic ||Where stories live. Discover now