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Not edited and will most likely change the ending by extending or adding some more dialogue I just feel bad I haven't posted in a while. For some reason, this chapter was a struggle to write. I blame my short attention span though as I currently also have 4 requests halfway done that I've been slowly chipping away at.

As the clacking of heels got closer Heisenberg freed one of his arms. Willing his hammer to his hand as his other arm stayed securely around your waist keeping you close to him possessively. Alcina rounded the corner. Metal claws out and tingling for a fight hate and jealousy in her eyes. "Heisenberg." she sneered, noting the arm wrapped around you. "So- this is what has happened to [Y/n]." she scrunched up her nose in distaste her eyes boring into the arm around you as if she was trying to set the appendage aflame.

After a few more seconds of intense glaring, she let her eyes peel from your waist. They instantly flicked to your's pity reflecting your own confused expression "Poor [Y/n]-" she said sighing her claws sheathing and her arms reaching out for you "You must be so miserable in such a primitive environment." honey dripped from her voice as she regarded you.

"I can assure you I've taken care of, my, [Y/n] rather well." Heisenberg spat back. Heat rushed to your face as Heisenberg's hand tightened around you the word 'my' stuck in your mind. The possessiveness it held leaving an unfamiliar feeling stirring in your gut. By the scowl on Alcina's face and the way, her eyes narrowed to slits. You could tell that same word must have been rattling around her head as well. Leaving a foul taste on her tongue.

"Your," the word dripped with venom as it slipped from her red lips "[Y/n]?" suddenly her whole demeanor changed a wide smile splitting her lips along with a boisterous laugh "You must be a delusional man thing to come up with such an obscene fantasy." one of her fingers came to her face wiping a stray tear of humor from her eye. "There is no way someone of [Y/n]'s stature could ever be happy in a dump such as this." she gestured to the few scraps of metal laying on the ground as well as the crude structure of the factory itself.

"I could take care of [Y/n] much better than you ever could." her hand was once again reaching out for you. She was so sure of herself so sure you would jump into her arms and beg for her to take care of you. "[Y/n]. Please, let me save you from this hell."

She couldn't have been more wrong. With wide eyes and a snarl on her face. She watched as you pulled back. Moving closer to the man she despised with her whole being practically clinging to him.

"I apologize Alcina. Mother has placed me under Heisenberg's care so here I must stay."

Her hand dropped to her side her face calm despite the rage running through her blood. "I see," with that she turned and you allowed your shoulders to drop slightly "[Y/n], I will be back for you. You will be mine."

Her words were final and they left a sinking feeling in your stomach that you couldn't push away. Silently you and Heisenberg watched her leave the tension in the air being cut by a hearty laugh. "What a nut case," Heisenberg said his hand subconsciously squeezing your waist.

He released you quickly clearing his throat "Yeah-" you said agreeing with Heisenberg. He took your hand leading you into the kitchen behind him trying to get back to where the both of you had left off.

No matter what you thought of though the sinking feeling that Alcina would keep her word stayed at the forefront of your mind. Heisenberg pulled your chair out for you and as soon as you were seated he was off preparing a plate for the both of you leaving you lost in your thoughts.

"Don't you be doing that." Heisenberg scolded as he set a plate of piping hot food in front of you catching you off guard. "Doing what?" you shot back defensively only for you to calm as your eyes met baby blue. "Overthinkin'! Every time you do you get this troubled look on your face." he sat across from you his plate clattering to the hardwood table.

His statement caught you off guard- had you really been making a face?

"I don't make faces," you grumbled dipping your utensil into your meal before bringing the first bite to your mouth. He scoffed setting his utensil down "You sure do." his full attention was on you the meal in front of him forgotten "You had the same look on your face when I first saw you. Looked like you were bouta combust your face was scrunched up so much." he chuckled reminiscing in the memory of how stuck up you seemed "Took me a couple more times seeing your face like that to realize you were just deep in thought analyzing everything."

You were speechless. It wasn't often someone was able to tell what you were thinking based on facial expressions. The only people you could recall who could do it with ease would be your sister and Anabelle.

"Now," Heisenberg said abruptly "Let's hurry and finish eating. It's already late thanks to that fucking bitch and the last thing I need is to deal with your grumpy ass in the morning."

"I'm not grumpy!"

"Sure- ow! Did you just throw a fucking fork at me?!"

The both of you had eaten and cleaned up the domestic feeling striking something new within you. The feeling was pleasant but left you feeling unsure as your heartbeat quickened when Heisenberg's hands brushed the small of your back as he passed behind you clean dishes in hand. Flushing you put a hand on your chest worrying. Were you having a heart attack? You questioned in your mind before brushing off the idea. You were far too young for such a thing after all.

Hands found your shoulders the touch warm and comforting. "You ready for bed?" Heisenberg asked looking down to you with genuine care in his eyes. Stumbling over your words you opted to instead silently follow the confusing metal worker who was pulling a cigar from his pocket before lighting the foul thing. 

The Metal Doll || Karl Heisenberg x Male Reader Fanfic ||Where stories live. Discover now