Chapter 1 : Graduation Plan

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Nagahama Neru, one of the most popular member of idol group Keyakizaka46 decides to graduate. Many people didn't expect it to happen this fast, and thanks to that some people were disappointed by the announcement. Not just the fans, but also the member of Keyakizaka46 itself regret that they can't do anything to stop Neru.

But not all member is shocked by the news. Four of them knows in advance about that announcement before being posted on Neru's blog. Sugai Yuuka, their captain, Watanabe Risa and Saito Fuyuka, Neru's bestfriend and Hirate Yurina. The latest, being the first one to accept Nagahama Neru's existence when she entered the group later was the very first person Neru thought about talking on her decision to graduate. But, as important as she was to Neru, Hirate Yurine or Techi as members and fans calls her, is the last person who wants her to graduate, and that made Neru hesitant to tell her. So instead she came to Watanabe Risa.

"Are you sure this is the best?" Watanabe Risa speaks to Neru when they were alone in Neru's room. Techi, who share the room with Neru, was having a regular checkup at the hospital, hence her absent at that moment.

"I think so. But I'm still considering. I'm not sure yet." Said Neru in low voice with her head tilt down looking on her hands in her lap.

"Because of Techi?"

Neru looks up to face her friend with eyes fill with tears. "You know this will hurt her. I promise to always look over her, and now I'll be leaving her, Risa..."

"Are you sure that's all?" said Risa while Neru looks confused. "I know about your relationship with her, Neru. All of us members know. We also know the management effort to keep both of you away and rarely seen together in front of the public to keep both of your image as a rebel and angel intact."

The looks on Neru's face made Risa laugh and said "You both aren't really an expert at hiding it, you know... We know every now and then when in public you both are secretly staring at each other with those longing eyes. And all those touching here and there, or even hugging and leaning to each other, she accepts all of that while she rarely does it with others... You wanted to make sure no one in public can see it, but failed badly. So then we ask our manager. She was the one who spilled out all that news to us."

Neru can only grin hearing it. "We failed huh?" RIsa only nod.

"I guess you could say that. Thankfully there's not much of behind the scene in our groups, and as you know it, our management really do a lot of censor on every footage on us"

Risa pause a second before continuing "By the way, the most oblivious is the jealousy stare I always get from Techi when I'm with you. Scary... But it was also my fault for trying to snatch you from her."

Neru looks Risa with a confused stare.

"Have you forget my confession on the final day of the filming? Or after the news about Techi and Memi? Or after your fight with her when the news on Manaka shows up? I was about to make you mine too..."

Hearing her bestfriend words, Neru can only hid her face. Risa's laugh came out far louder than before.

Neru remember it well. She always come to Risa's room and sleep there whenever she has a fight with Techi. Suddenly Risa's words make Neru realizing what could happen if Risa did forget about their relationship or the even forget about the group and just do what she wanted to do. With a bit of fear, Neru shift her eyes toward her best friend.

Risa is a good looking person too. Tall and handsome when she wears guy's clothes. She's actually like Techi minus the rebelliousness.

Having the feeling being watched, Risa turn towards Neru, which make the latter blush.

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