Chapter 10 : Am I Worthy Being With You?

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A week after the 8th single has been announced to the public. Many fans don't care anymore about the center; in fact, many regrets the management decision to keep making Techi as the center. But they wonder and shocked when they found out that Neru was being assign on the 3rd row. Everything come to light when Neru, on her blog, announce her graduation. Fans were shocked. Many wondered why. Being the popular one, it's a wonder why she would graduate this early. Some even blame the group, management, and even members. And as usual, blaming Techi.

"Why they always blame you? It's not your fault..." sighed Neru. She's on her bed, scrolling through the internet and social media. Besides Neru, sleeping on her side, facing Neru, is Techi. Her hand caress Neru's hair.

"I don't care. As long you don't leave me, I don't care what other said." Mumble Techi slowly. She then pulls Neru to her arms, and hug her after kissing her forehead. Both girls keep silent, doing nothing but hugging.

"Ne, Techi, are you still jelaous of Risa? You know, your jealousy is so out of place... "said Neru suddenly, making Techi startled. She takes some space to see her lover face, then takes a deep breath before replying "I guess I won't say out of place if I know she still loves you even though you got me... But don't worry, I try my best to not be jealous without reasons anymore."

"I mean she's always beside you even when I can't. She's always supporting you, while I sometimes am selfish and only think of myself. In terms of relationship, it's a wonder you don't fall for her..."

"Hmmmm... I guess the only problem is that she's not you. I mean, yeah, you're a handful person. You're always looking for perfection and can't accept anything less than your requirement. You're always looking in front of you and could care less about everything behind you. You never stop even when you need too, and even sometimes dragged everyone too. But it's all that flaw of you that make me fall in love more and more with you..." Neru stops and hesitant for a while before continuing. "It's true sometimes you're going far ahead from me, in all terms, even though I'm older. And that make me felt left behind. And felt unworthy being beside you... I mean, who am I to be with you like now? I'm glad the management refrain us from seeing together in public. I'm scared at how fans sees us... I still remember all those hate speech post at the time I join. Not to mention the bad post towards you... I know we're public figure, but that indirectly drains my energy..."

Techi can only keep quiet hearing her lover talk about her feeling. She didn't realize that's how she feels. Neru always smile. Always calms. She never be angry, she always put everyone before her. But she feels unworthy? Techi hugs her again.

"That's not true, Neru. You're so worthy of me. I am the one who's unworthy of you." whisper Techi. She then releases Neru to look into her eyes. "You remember the one that's pulled me out of misery after the handshake attack? It was you. You rush to me and make sure I'm fine."

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Flashback~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

June 24, 2017. Keyakizaka46 was having a handshake event at Makuhari Messe venue in Chiba City. Members were put in pairs for this event. While Neru is being paired with Sasaki Kumi, a member from the Hiragana, Techi is being paired with Kakizaki Memi, another member from the Hiragana. Everything was going good until suddenly there's commotion in the venue. All members stop on what they're doing. Staffs are checking each member. Fans mumble and whisper to each other. Neru, which is few lanes away from Techi wonders at what happen, when she heard a fan mumbles "It's Hirate's lane. They said there's a an attempted attack there..."

Neru's face became pale upon hearing it. Kumi, which is beside her don't understand yet at what happen. "Neru-san, what's wrong?" ask her. But Neru didn't answer. Instead she comes out from her place and dash away towards the commotion, leaving staff and Kumi in shock.

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