8- Strings of fate [Namjin/Royalty au/Forced/Mature]

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The Kingdom of Freesia was a symbol of embodiment, trust and values

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The Kingdom of Freesia was a symbol of embodiment, trust and values. Named after the flower, Freesia, which symbolizes unconditional love and honour, the people there lived in harmony and abided by the rules of equality, despite the difference in their ranks.

The King was an ardent supporter of equality, and thus, he trained both his sons equally, regardless of one of them being a beautiful Omega and the other being a handsome Alpha. He loved both of them equally and was never partial towards any one of them.

The childhood of the princes flew by, both of them being rigorously trained in royal studies, sword training, poetry and a lot more. The princes grew up with kindness, chivalry, bravery and love. As time passed by, the princes were at the age of marriage, making the King spin through a mix of emotions- happiness and joy as well as worry.

The people of the kingdom were more than happy seeing the princes at their marital age. Nothing would bring them more joy than seeing their Alpha Prince Taehyung ruling the kingdom with equality and morals, and seeing their Omega Prince Seokjin getting married to a noble prince, who would savour the bravery and kindness of the young prince.

This led to the King searching for a qualified groom for his beloved sons. Therefore, it wouldn't have been mere delight when he found out that the ruler of the Kingdom of Aconite was looking for a queen for his prestigious throne as well.

The Kingdom of Aconite was a rather different place. It was one of the most powerful kingdoms. It was named after a flower too - Aconite, which had a rather negative meaning. It meant hatred and betrayal.

But the King begged to differ, he named the place as such because he was bound to change the meaning of the flower. He had belief in his power to rule the kingdom. The Kingdom was a peaceful place and the people loved their King, more than anything, for he was not only wise but also a man of morals.

The flower Aconite did leave its negative meaning and found a new meaning in the Kingdom. The King had succeeded in bringing the flower a new meaning, as now it proudly swayed in the gardens of the castle.

After the findings of such a beautiful land, the king immediately asked for the attention of his dear son, Seokjin, for he had found him a groom.

The sweet smell of lavender spread across the hallways as Prince Seokjin made his way to his father's chambers. He had been called to discuss some very 'important business', at least that's what he was informed.

He took light and quick steps to his parents' room. He slightly knocked on the door, and soon the door was wide open for him to enter. He was greeted with the familiar scent of wood, pine and lillies.

He gracefully made his way to where his father and mother were seated along with his brother. He slightly bowed to his parents.

"You sent for me, father?" He asked, as the King smiled looking at him.

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