15- La Caza [Jimin x everyone/ Smut/Omega hunt/Exhibition]

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Note: There might be some triggering and smut scenes, so, read at your own risk. I won’t be giving warning signs cuz it will ruin the flow. So, be careful.

La Caza

“Mum! Dad!” A loud, shrill voice rang through the dimly lit cottage. The said adults got startled and they rushed towards the front door, only to find their son standing there with a huge smile plastered across his face.

They immediately calmed down and flashed him a smile as well. “What’s got my boy so hyped up, huh?” The boy's father questioned. In response, the pink-haired male grinned widely and held up a paper in his hand.

“I got a love letter! My first love letter!” He shrieked happily, making his parents tense up. 

“Who is it from?” The male’s smile dropped at that question.

“I don’t know...they did not mention their name…” The two grown-ups looked at each other before the woman ruffled her son’s hair affectionately and took the letter away from his hand while the man swung an arm around the younger’s shoulders, making him almost fall face first.

“Where are you taking that? Mum!” He whined as his dad pulled him away from his mother, who took away the letter.

“Forget about this, Jimin. We have to talk about something more important.” The boy's mother began. Jimin frowned at his mum’s words and allowed his dad to stir him into the direction of the living room. Making Jimin sit on the loveseat,  his parents sat in front of him.

Both of their faces portrayed a tense look, making Jimin worry.

“Jimin...I know this might be too much for you and honestly, we blame ourselves for this situation. We should have educated and prepared you for this beforehand…” His mum sighed, looking down.

“It's alright, honey.” Jimin watched his dad console his mum. He was getting more nervous now.

“Mum, Dad, what’s the matter?” Jimin asked, his nervousness and curiosity getting the better of him. His parents looked at him before his dad took out a paper, more like a letter, from his pocket and handed it to Jimin. He took it with a raised eyebrow, opened it, and started reading the content. 

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Park, 

Hope this letter finds you in good health. This is an invitation letter to your family, you have cordially been invited to La Caza this year, as well as the after-ball, by the Kings. 

We hope to see the three of you there, have a good day. 

Yours Truly, 


The letter ended with a beautiful signature by the head King. Jimin looked at the letter in confusion, failing to understand which part of the letter made his parents worry so much. 

Is it the Kings' part? 

Or is it the ball part? 

And what's La Caza? 

"It translates to “The Hunt” in Spanish. It's a special event, a memorable game…which is only organized once a year…" Jimin's dad's voice trailed off as he tried to explain "La Caza" to his son. 

"Don't sugarcoat it, honey…" Jimin's mum mumbled, making his dad sigh loudly. 

"Yeah, so? I don't understand what is getting you guys so tensed up…" Jimin's eyes went back and forth between his parents, his voice raising an octave higher as he continued to speak, "What are you guys not telling me?! What is it?!" 

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