9- Mafia's possession [minjoon/mafia/kidnapping/ Obsessive]

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"B..but you promised joonie~" Cried the male as he talked over the phone. Maids surrounded him after applying light make up on his face.

"I am really sorry munchkin, but it's really important-" but the other one got cut off by a cry

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"I am really sorry munchkin, but it's really important-" but the other one got cut off by a cry. "So... Your business is important than me huh?" He said sniffing softly. The other one sighed. "That's not true munchkin I- '' but once again he was cut off by the same cry. "Don't munchkin me.... You promised me joonie.... After all these years you agreed to take me out and now... This important business of yours?" Male cried.

"Babe.... Please .. I set each and everything up but it ca- aghg" the other male got cut off by a pained grunt coming from the background. "What's that sound, are you alright?" Jimin asked frantically, hearing the sound which converted to muffled screams.
Other one groaned and galled the beaten up body of the man to make him shut up.

"Jimin we can't go out today and that's it, I am hanging up now" the other one said.
"But y...you promised.." The guy named Jimin cried, fat tears rolling down his cheeks. "I know but I can't fucking go now!!" Other one yelled and clenched his eyes in frustration when he heard a cry from Jimin. "I don't care!! I am going out on my own and will enjoy my day" Jimin shouted back, frustrated. And another one clenched his teeth. His anger was skyrocketing.

Jimin never raised his voice like this. He was really pent up with all the negligence and with him chained in this room all his life. He always obeyed whatever the other one said. Instead Jimin himself was shocked at his sudden outburst. He was so excited for their little picnic out and now the guy named joonie just called and canceled their little date.

"First of all, never raise your voice at me again, Park Jimin!! And second, don't you dare step out of your room, otherwise I will not hesitate to cut your feet, got me??" Other one growled as his voice rang in the warehouse. Making Jimin whimper and before he could control himself, a sob left his lips.

Sure, the other one was not heartless. He was not cruel but circumstances made him like this. He was dealing with a man who leaked about his possession 'Jimin'. He was successful in hiding for all those years.

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