Chapter 4 Three Spaces

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Chapter 4 Three Spaces

    As soon as Xia Zhijin returned home, he entered the Yuzhu Space to see the little fox.

    When she went to see it, the little fox was taking a nap lazily. It may be because the spiritual energy in the space is too strong, and it doesn't want to wake up.

    Xia Zhijin tossed the fox for a long time, and its eyes didn't open, except that the four small white paws stretched forward and arched their head into her arms.

    Xia Zhijin's heart also softened a little, and he touched its soft abdomen with some amusement.

    He raised his eyes and scanned the space for a week, and finally found a slightly sunken place next to the deep pool with the strongest aura, ready to make a nest for the fox.

    She asked the butler to bring the high-quality long-staple cotton prepared in advance, spread the mat on the bottom of the soil pit, and pulled a handful of green and dripping grass from the grass in the space, and threw away the water drops evenly on the cotton superior.

    When the nest was very soft, Xia Zhijin carefully placed the fox on it.

    The fox moved his nose slightly, sniffed, put his body in the most comfortable position, tilted his head, and fell asleep again.

    After setting up for the fox, Xia Zhijin went out, preparing to sit in the grandfather's villa next to him for a while, but after entering the door, he found that grandpa had already returned.

    Old Yuan sitting on the sofa in the living room, saw Xia Zhijin entering the door and beckoned to her quickly.

    "Come here and see what good things I brought back for you."

    Xia Zhijin saw the stack of yellow talisman papers in Grandpa's hand with sharp eyes, and hurriedly stepped forward to take it.

    Because he was a layman, Xia Zhijin didn't quite understand the strangeness of this talisman.

    Grandpa explained to the side: "I went up the mountain last night and said to the old master watcher that the end is coming. At that time, he had a fortune and felt that this matter was inseparable."

    "I took the treasured wine and The old man changed many kinds of talisman paper. He said that there are defensive talisman, attack talisman, and body talisman, and he doesn't need a formula, just hold it and use it directly."

    Xia Zhijin was overjoyed, holding the talisman in her hand, and hugging her grandfather's arm to act like a baby.

    This is a treatment that Xia Zhijin does not have in the novel.

    Don't look at this thin piece of paper, it can be very useful!

    The post-apocalyptic supernatural beings shine, not only that, but also the capable people and strangers of China have also been born. They have displayed their own housekeeping skills, and various metaphysics are everywhere. The description in the novel is also very detailed.

    Just as Xia Zhijin was pondering the usefulness of the talisman in his hand, Grandpa Yuan called a child out of the room.

    "Jin'er, this is the boy whom the master entrusted me to take care of, called Jiu Qing."

    Xia Zhijin was taken aback when he heard the words, and raised his head to look at the little boy standing in front of him.

    I saw an eleven or twelve-year-old boy in a long gown, with floating dust in his hands and a burden on his back, looking at himself with some restraint.

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