Chapter 7 Little White Fox Woke Up!

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Chapter 7 Little White Fox Woke Up!

    Xia Zhijin couldn't help but sneered, squatting halfway on the edge of the deep pool, scooping the pool water with her hands and rubbing the fox.

    These days, she has discovered a strange thing, the rich aura in this space will be actively absorbed by the fox.

    And the aura will be fully absorbed the next day after being absorbed.

    Now the aura of this pond is full of liquefaction, so it is easier to absorb it when it is used to bathe the fox.

    After carefully wiping the fine fluff on the fox's body, Xia Zhijin put it back in the nest, and then jumped into one of the pools of water.

    As soon as she entered, Xia Zhijin felt the coldness of the pool water. She rolled comfortably, feeling that her pores had been opened to the fullest extent, and she was greedily absorbing the rich aura.

    The exhaustion of the whole body lightened in an instant. Xia Zhijin stretched her limbs in the water and swam lightly several times. When she went ashore, her whole body seemed to be covered with a layer of soft light, washing out all the impurities in the skin. The skin is extraordinarily white and smooth.

    Xia Zhijin stood on the shore a few more times, feeling extremely satisfied.

    Tonight, human abilities will basically be stimulated, and if I strengthened my body in advance, it would definitely be harmless.

    Xia Zhijin is also very clear about the development of the doomsday described in the book. After tonight, people who have not become zombies will be divided into several categories.

    The first category is still normal humans, but when you wake up with a dizzy sleep, your physical fitness will be greatly improved.

    Increased strength, increased speed, and sharp five senses are the most common, while having space, invisibility, and bodily flora and fauna are relatively rare.

    The most powerful are those with natural abilities, who possess gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the wind, electricity, ice, light, and other natural abilities derived from the Five Elements have great room for development.

    Although the power of their abilities was relatively small in the initial stage, in the middle and late stages, the natural abilities can basically be overwhelming. A fight with a few natural abilities will be as dazzling and diverse as in Xiuxian's novels. Show supernatural powers.

    This is true in the whole world.

    The population of China is very large. The people who became zombies on the first day accounted for only one-tenth, and the rest of the people would change themselves to adapt to this harsh environment after the days of panic and fear.

    They searched for supplies, found a place to defend themselves, and tried every means to improve their strength.

    And tonight's mutation is the most critical step, related to the strengths and weaknesses of the abilities.

    What Xia Zhijin activates in the novel is the Mizuki dual ability with low combat effectiveness.

    The water ability can gather water and control water, and after the upgrade, it can also turn water into ice, which can purify humans who have just been infected by zombie viruses.

    Wood abilities are mainly used to inspire and control plants. After leveling up, they can gain healing ability and heal injured people or animals.

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