Chapter 83 Tu Shanli went to Tianshan

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Chapter 83 Tu Shanli went to Tianshan

    The altitude of the Tianshan Mountains is extremely high. It is the first highest mountain in China, and the mountains are extremely mysterious and full of miasma.

    There are sparsely populated people, and even members of the scientific expedition team do not build stations there.

    Although there are few people, Tu Shanli doesn't know if there are any zombies above senior level in the Tianshan Mountains. If there are zombies, they must upgrade very quickly.

    Xia Zhijin was very entangled, with Shenmu on one side and unknown danger on the other.

    Do you want to go?

    Tu Shanli lowered his head and kissed the palm of her hand, a smile flashed under his eyes.

    He suggested: "Jin'er, or you? Just wait for me at the base in Beijing? I will bring Mu Zhongmu back from Tianshan."

    Xia Zhijin suddenly raised his head, looking at Tu Shanli's face in a daze. For a while.

    In the past, two people went looking for treasures together, and this time she didn't want to be separated from Tu Shanli.


    Tu Shanli took Xia Zhijin into his arms and explained in a warm voice: "I rarely go to Tianshan, and I haven't been there a few times before the end. It's very dangerous."

    Since he can? Successfully transformed into a fairy, is there such a person in the mountain that day?

    One is very dangerous.

    Tu Shanli didn't want to take Xia Zhijin's adventure, he decided to find it by himself.

    But you must first comfort the person in your arms.

    Tu Shanli's fingers curled up a strand of Xia Zhijin's hair, silky smooth.

    "You? Waiting for me in Beijing, don't use it to go back and forth to work hard."

    Xia Zhijin arched in Tu Shanli's arms, smelling the familiar fragrance of flowers in his arms, feeling a little relieved.

    It is the taste of double peony.

    She blinked her eyes twice, "Okay, I'll be waiting for you in Beijing? Ah~ Then you? You must pay attention to safety."

    The wood in the wood is important, and the five elements and the lotus are important.

    But adding up all of them, Xia Zhijin felt that Tu Shanli was not as important as Tu Shanli alone.

    "You? Also, Jin'er don't leave the base. If you are in danger, give me a voice prompt."


    Tu Shanli smiled and kissed Xia Zhijin's lips. After she reacted, she immediately chased after him. , Both hands wrapped Tu Shanli's shoulders.

    Tu Shanli hugged her on his body, and the two stayed warm for a long time.

    Tu Shanli left that night, he still left after putting Xia Zhijin to sleep.

    But Xia Zhijin didn't sleep well this time, and his eyelids were always jumping.

    After waking up in the middle of the night, she lay in the crystal coffin tossing and turning for a long time and couldn't sleep.

    Xia Zhijin was a little flustered, his heart beating as fast as a drum.

    She held her chest and looked up at the starry night sky, feeling scared for the first time.

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