Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

    After returning to the villa, Xia Zhijin told Grandpa Yuan and Jiuqing about the investigations outside. After the family discussed it, Grandpa Yuan decided to stay in the villa for a while.

    It may be that Grandpa Yuan is getting older. Once he gets old, he doesn't want to move. In fact, he is still not worried about whether he has food, drink, water and electricity in the villa.

    But he sighed deeply when he heard Xia Zhijin say that there were zombies everywhere, and even the foot of the mountain was full of people who set up tents.

    But he thought more far-reaching, he had already helped Xia Zhijin plan the future development direction.

    "I'm old, just stay here for the aged, what's wrong with it if you have food and drink, but you guys are still young, you have to go out to meet the world more, don't stay with me and be confined here. It’s a small house."

    Of course Xia Zhijin and Xia Zhihe didn’t follow it. They were joking. Grandpa Yuan is an 80-year-old old man. How could it happen without anyone taking care of him? In case he has any accident, then the Xia family brothers and sisters will regret it. For a lifetime.

    So the first time the young and old had disagreements.

    It lasted until the housekeeper and the couple came to ask for help.

    At noon that day, a few people finished the Chinese meal in silence. Jiuqing cleaned up the dishes very well. Xia Zhihe was wiping the table. Grandpa Yuan was standing in front of the glass window thinking about the problem. He probably persuaded his grandchildren to go out. matter.

    At this time, the door of Xia's house was suddenly banged, and Xia Zhijin picked up a long machete very vigilantly.

    In fact, it wasn't that no one had knocked on the door of the Xia family in the past ten or twenty days, but Xia Zhihe was frightened by Xia Zhihe.

    If it is a hungry person, Xia Zhijin will also give him food and let him leave. If it is deliberately causing trouble, Xia Zhijin will beat them back.

    So the Xia family also gained a reputation in this street.

    Naturally, no one who does not have eyes will come to the door, except for zombies.

    The zombies guarding at the gate of Xia's house were also spotted by Jiu Qing's defensive charms, and then they were killed by Xia Zhihe.

    So who else will come?

    Xia Zhijin took a knife and ran to check the surveillance, but it turned out to be two unexpected people.

    It was the housekeeper and the couple who were dismissed by Grandpa Yuan a few days before the end. They came back again, and seemed to be knocking on the door with anxious expressions! Did they have some serious trouble and want to ask the Xia family for help?

    Xia Zhijin didn't know what their intentions were, but Grandpa Yuan was very happy. After all, this housekeeper and wife have been in Xia's house for nearly twenty years!

    Looking at Grandpa Yuan’s surprised expression, Xia Zhijin knew that the two of them had to be put in, so he jumped to the wall and poured a bucket of water under the wall. When the water hits the ground, using the water power can make the water freeze quickly and become An ice ladder placed in front of the housekeeper and his wife.

    This is the result of Xia Zhijin's ability training these days. Basically, it can be splashed into ice. Water has strong fluidity. After turning it into ice, it can become many objects that you want.

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