Chapter 11 The Powerful Little Fox

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Chapter 11 The Powerful Little Fox

    In the early morning of the next morning, it was just slightly bright, and Xia Zhijin and Xia Zhihe were fully armed.

    Several of them discussed it, and Jiu Qing and Grandpa Yuan guarded the villa with peace of mind.

    The two brothers and sisters of Xia Zhijin went out to see the outside world. After all, the four of them had squatted at home for more than ten days.

    In order not to damage the defensive equipment around Xia's house, Xia Zhijin and Xia Zhihe floated out in a hot air balloon. As soon as the balloon landed, the fox jumped out of the jade bead space.

    In order to allow the fox to travel freely in the Yuzhu space, Xia Zhijin asked the fox to drop a drop of blood into the Yuzhu space.

    The Yuzhu space is quite spiritual, and the fox will not be driven out no matter how recklessly it is in the space.

    As soon as the fox hit the ground, his four paws firmly grasped the ground, and every step was steady.

    Xia Zhijin also followed Xia Zhihe to speed up after seeing that it had adapted well.

    It was early in the morning, but there were many more tents at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, which was originally located in the suburbs, and each tent had several people coming and going.

    Xia Zhijin wondered why they were setting up a tent here, and the fox sneezed several times before making a sound.

    The air becomes dirty when there are more people, which is really uncomfortable for the fox who is used to smelling the fresh air in the mountains and forests.

    Although Xia Zhijin didn't have such a keen sense of smell, she felt sorry for the fox and speeded up her pace.

    Moreover, if she and Xia Zhijin go down the mountain, they will definitely pass through the pile of tents, and don't care if they will be exposed to others at this time.

    So the people inside and outside the tent saw a pair of handsome men and women walking past them indifferently, especially the little white fox beside the girl's feet.

    After this doomsday came, everyone’s water for daily life stopped. Even if the whole body was sweaty in the summer, it was not enough to moisten a kerchief with water. Even drinking water was scarce. The two of them were dressed in clean and tidy clothes, even the foxes. They are all spotless.

    Everyone glanced at each other, then lowered their heads.

    They all know that these two people are powerful people.

    How can people without good abilities live so comfortably in the end? It's not bad to eat enough, and his face can't be so ruddy.

    After Xia Zhijin strengthened her body, her legs and feet speeded up a lot. Just when the two of them were about to pass through the dozens of tents, an old woman stopped her.

    "Little girl, don't go down the mountain, there are a lot of zombies under the mountain!"

    Xia Zhijin just thought about it. A younger man wanted to help that old grandma back to the tent, "Grandma, they are different from us, they are very powerful. Strong, naturally we are not as afraid of zombies as we are." The

    old grandma sighed softly, and the young man said again: "Grandma, don't worry, I will be able to properly take you down the mountain when my power is upgraded."

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