Chapter 72 First entered the Beijing base

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Chapter 72 First entered the Beijing base

    Tu Shanli and Xia Zhijin chatted for a while, but didn't expect that the blocked road turned out to be unblocked.

    It turned out that the security captain at the gate of the base saw that the road was blocked, and quickly sent a small group of people to maintain order and guide everyone walking on the road.

    "The flow of people is too much! Please walk both sides consciously, please line up and enter the base in turn, don't you get stuck in the middle of the road!" With

    such guidance, the crowd soon dispersed, four lanes of the road. It was immediately connected.

    When Xia Zhijin saw this, Wow, Tu Shanli smiled? Pointed the steering wheel with his finger, very happy.

    "This base looks pretty good." The

    two of them sat in the car and drove forward with the traffic, and soon arrived at the Beijing base.

    Beijing is indeed the largest city in China.

    Even with the ravages of the doomsday, it still stands strong.

    The Beijing base built on it is also China’s largest base at present, and it integrates military and civilian use.

    Xia Zhijin put his hand on the car window and was amazed at the magnificent buildings outside. This is the most domineering and solid base she has ever seen!

    A thick city wall was built on the outermost layer of the base, and the base was firmly protected behind him like a fortress.

    The city wall is still made of red walls and green tiles, looking simple and heavy, so that the people in it seem to have traveled to ancient times.

    The city wall fortress is only the first gate.

    The guard at the door was very tight. There were a group of soldiers armed with guns and armor on patrol, and there were even two majestic tanks guarding the door.

    Just in case there are? Some? Ability people or highly capable people disturb the order at the door.

    The first door can be entered by people, vehicles and animals.

    After driving in the car, Xia Zhijin looked up and found that there was a big iron gate in front of him.

    She looked around and found that there were a total of five large iron gates with three to four meters high opening and closing at the entrance of the base, which were distributed at various positions of the main entrance of the base.

    It is better to say that it is an iron gate than it is a thick steel plate.

    Xia Zhijinguang looked at it with his eyes, and he knew it was abnormally firm.

    In front of the big iron gate, you need to get off the car for security check.

    Xia Zhijin did not shy away from other people, and directly put the off-road vehicle into the Yuzhu space in public.

    Because there are times when it is also a kind of self-protection to display reality properly.

    She walked into the big iron gate side by side with Tu Shanli.

    The division of labor in the iron gate is very clear. The person in charge of security inspection is playing with the machine, and the person in charge of registering information is sorting out the booklet.

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