Chapter 8 Friends and Family have activated useful abilities

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Chapter 8 Friends and Family have activated useful abilities

    Grandpa is already awake, he is punching leisurely in the living room, his appearance has changed the most among the few.

    It took only one night for a gray-haired old man to have black hair. His wrinkled face was also smoother, and his legs and feet were sharpened. The whole person looked like he was younger. Thirty years old.

    Xia Zhijin was very surprised by Grandpa's changes. She strode forward and took Grandpa's arm. She blinked her big eyes and asked curiously: "Grandpa, you're a lot younger, what power have you activated?"

    Grandpa He smiled and patted her hand, holding his breath, blinking his eyes. Xia Zhijin seemed to have hit a barrier, and he couldn't get close to grandpa anymore, at least three or four meters away from him.

    Grandpa hehe twice and laughed: "What I activated should be defense, do you think you can get close to me?"

    Xia Zhijin hurriedly stepped forward. This time he easily stood beside Grandpa without being blocked, Xia Zhi Jin felt happy. This is an excellent ability for elderly people with limited mobility. You don't have to be afraid of zombies. You can isolate the zombies by directly using their defensive ability.

    Xia Zhijin said sincerely: "Then grandpa doesn't have to worry about zombies' attacks in the future. It's great."

    Grandpa Yuan smiled and accepted the blessing. In fact, he was also very satisfied with this ability. As an old man with inconvenient legs and feet. It's best not to drag down the children and grandchildren to become a burden.

    He was very happy. He pointed to Xia Zhihe, who was thinking with his eyes closed, and sat on the sofa to make tea slowly.

    Only then did Xia Zhijin shift his gaze to his elder brother, and saw that Xia Zhihe seemed to be surrounded by a circle of fire, and Xia Zhijin felt a little bit of heat as she got closer.

    In the novel, Xia Zhihe activates the fire-type ability with higher attack power. Fire can burn everything. Just search for a few more precious fires to greatly increase combat effectiveness.

    Xia Zhihe drank the pool water to improve his physique before, and it seemed that the purity of the flame was better. If he can find a suitable fire for him in the future, then the output of the team can rely on him in the future!

    "Brother! Brother! Look at me!" Xia Zhijin didn't dare to reach out to touch Xia Zhihe, so she could only call him loudly.

    Xia Zhihe opened his eyes when he heard his sister's voice, and his tan eyes were stained a little red. He blinked uncomfortably, his mouth bends, and Chao Xia Zhijin cared: "A Jin What abilities

    Did I activate it ?" "I activated the water element and wood element, both of which are abilities with poor combat effectiveness. What can I do in the future..."

    Xia Zhijin hasn't abandoned her savage person. Suppose, if you catch a loved one, you will act like a baby.

    Grandpa Yuan stopped making tea when he heard Xia Zhijin's complaint, so he quickly got up from the sofa and hugged this darling baby.

    "Oh, my dear grandson, grandpa protects you. Grandpa has defensive capabilities. Don't even think of any zombies coming close to me, Ajin."

    Xia Zhihe looked at her coquettish sister amusedly, and touched her. A big rock was also put down in her heart, and her sister finally got close to herself again.

    "It's okay, my brother activated the fire ability, and he can protect Grandpa and A Jin in the future."

    Protect yourself!

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