Chapter 82 Have a fight

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Chapter 82 Have a fight

    "Is it really Muzhongmu?"

    Xia Zhijin looked at Tu Shanli with excitement.

    Tu Shanli smiled and nodded.

    "It should be this time."

    The little girl who took the task was also very happy when she heard that, and quickly took off her wooden bracelet.

    "The news is right, then I? Can you change the food? Me? Grandma hasn't eaten meat for a long time."

    "It must be!" The

    girl quickly handed the wooden bracelet to Xia Zhijin's hand, expectantly Look at Xia Zhijin.

    Xia Zhijin looked down at this? Bracelet, with many and detailed patterns on it.

    "This? Wooden bracelet since it is ancestral, is certainly very valuable, right? I'm so precious? We do not? Can? Be you." "All

    right all right, this bracelet I? Have a home girl manpower?, Do not worry. Take it! And maybe? There is information on the bracelet that you haven't noticed!" The

    girl was very enthusiastic, and Xia Zhijin accepted this bracelet when she saw it.

    Turning around, Xia Zhijin took a piece of meat prepared by the golden monkey from the Yuzhu Space, and also presented a pot of rare fruits to the little girl.

    The little girl looked at the valuable food and left with satisfaction.

    The mission hall is still bustling.

    Xia Zhijin and Tu Shanli just wanted to go out, but they met Kang Zetian and Tang Qingrong again.

    "A Jin, listen? Talk about you two? What is the wood in the wood? What is the god? The wood?"

    Tang Qingrong's expression was a bit wrong ? Right and enthusiastic, Xia Zhijin was stunned for a while. No? Know what to do? What's the answer.

    Does she also know about God? Wood and Five Elements? Lotus?

    Stormy waves were set off in Xia Zhijin's heart.

    Only Tu Shanli still had a calm face, and stepped forward to block Xia Zhijin and shield her behind him.

    "We are just looking for a tree that is useful to us." The

    rest of Tu Shanli didn't say much.

    He? Just about to take Xia Zhijin away, who knew Tang Qingrong made a noise again.

    "Ajin, me?, can you fight with me? Do your best to win or lose?"

    "After the fight, I? Don't? I will care about anything with you."

    What is she ? ? do you mean

    summer to Tangqing Rong Jin lift eye look, feel very strange.     Did

    she fight with herself

? Did they say that they were just ordinary friends and nodded their acquaintances?

    And Xia Zhijin also saw that Tang Qingrong's fists were clenched, and the expressions in his eyes were serious.

    So she thought for a while and agreed to Tang Qingrong's request.

    Since they are fighting, they must leave the base in Beijing.

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